atypeofpoisonmade from aplant:
Socrates was made todrinkhemlock after beingcondemnedforcorruptingtheyouthof Athens.
aplantwithsmallwhiteflowersanddividedleavesfrom which thepoisonhemlockcomes:
Beware, because thisplantlooksverysimilartopoisonoushemlock.
Waterhemlock is amongEuropeandNorthAmerica's mosttoxicplants.

ioanna_alexa/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
[C](alsohemlock fir,hemlock spruce)
anevergreentree(= one that neverlosesitsleaves)thatgrowsinNorthAmerica, used foritswood:
Thehikingtrailwindspasttoweringhemlocks andoaks.
the hemlockforestsofNorthAmerica
- Herbalpreparationsinvolvingthepoisonshemlock orarsenicwererelativelycommoninancientmedicine.
- Anextremetoxinsuch as hemlock orcyanidewould havecausedwrithingand contortions.
- The hemlocks,sprucesandcedarsthatspreadoversoutheastAlaskaseemto go onforever.
- From thetrail, you canexplorein anydirectionamongmountainlaurels,largehemlocks, andferns.
Poisoning and allergy
- allergen
- allergenic
- allergic
- anaphylactic
- anaphylactic shock
- anaphylaxis
- animatedly
- fly agaric
- hypersensitivity
- hypoallergenic
- intolerance
- intolerant
- lactose intolerance
- listeriosis
- poisoner
- poisoning
- toxicology
- venom
- venomous
- Warfarin
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Common plants
Types of evergreen & coniferous tree