UKuk/ˈhɪs.pi/us/ˈhɪs.pi/pluralhispiororhispis(alsohispi cabbage[CorU,plural]hispi greens)atypeofsmall,palegreencabbage(= aleafyvegetable)with apointedend:
尖头卷心菜Hispi has anarrow,pointyheadand isidealforcookingorservingrawinsalads.尖头卷心菜的头窄而尖,非常适合烹饪或拌入色拉生吃。
Theboxincludednewpotatoes,Frenchbeans, and a hispicabbage.盒子里有新土豆、菜豆、还有一棵尖头卷心菜。
pointed cabbage
sweetheart cabbageUK

Martin Keiler/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Octoberis a goodtimetosowcabbagessuch as thepointedhispi.
- Cut the hispi inhalf,removethecore, andshredfinely.
- ForslawI like to use hispi, aconicalvariety(akasweetheartcabbage) withsofter,greenerleavesthanitswhitecousins.
- Alambcutletwascookedpinkandservedwith hispicabbage.
- Heheapedbutteredhispigreensin themiddle.
Types of vegetable
- alfalfa
- allium
- Anaheim
- artichoke
- arugula
- Chinese cabbage
- Chinese leaves
- collard
- corn on the cob
- corn salad
- jicama
- kabocha
- kale
- kohlrabi
- lacinato kale
- salsify
- savoy cabbage
- scallion
- Scotch bonnet
- shallot