herbaceous border
UKuk/hɜːˌbeɪ.ʃəs ˈbɔː.dər/us/hɚˌbeɪ.ʃəs ˈbɔːr.dɚ/(alsoperennial border)anarrowstripoflandin agarden,plantedwith differenttypesoffloweringplantsthatlivefor more than twoyears:

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- Theplantsthatfilltheirhugeherbaceousborderhad all beencutdown.
- Thewalledgardencontainsalawnwithmatureshrubsandherbaceousborders.
- She used to go out into thegardenfirst thing in themorningtoinspecttheherbaceousborders.
Parts of gardens
- arbour
- bed
- border
- bower
- flower bed
- green wall
- hedging
- kitchen garden
- lawn
- living wall
- parterre
- patio
- perennial border
- raised bed
- rock garden
- rockery
- seedbed
- shrubbery
- terrace
- vertical garden