(alsohome school,home-school)uk/ˌhəʊmˈskuːl/us/ˌhoʊmˈskuːl/toteachachildathomeratherthansendinghim or her toschool:
家庭授课Manyparentsdecideto homeschooltheirchildrenforreligiousreasons.
All herkidswere home-schooled.
For those of us whochooseto homeschool, it's ahugecommitment.
- I washappywhen myparentsdecidedto homeschool me because I couldworkat my ownpace.
- I home-school mychildren, so they cantravelwith me.
- Joshua washomeschooledafter sixthgrade.
- I don'tbelievehome-schooledchildrenaresociallyawkward.
- Thejuvenilecourtmade arulingthat thisfamilycould not homeschool.
- I wasscaredof mychildgettingbulliedand Iwantedtohomeschool.
Types of education
- abstinence education
- abstinence programme
- abstinence-only
- academically
- adaptive learning
- child-centred
- classroom
- communicative
- heuristic
- homeschooling
- hothouse
- hybrid
- m-learning
- mainstreaming
- mobile learning
- non-academic
- nursery
- special educational needs
- vocationally
(alsohome school)uk/ˈhəʊmˌskuːl/us/ˈhoʊmˌskuːl/ahomewhere achildistaughtinsteadof beingsenttoschool:
Every homeschool isunique.
- Thenumberofchildreneducatedin homeschoolsgrewby 250,000.
- Alackofgovernmentoversightofhomeschoolsworrieseducationofficials.
- Thecountyshoulddevelopregulationsthatapplytohomeschools.
Frames & structures
- armature
- assembly
- bezel
- clothes hanger
- clothes horse
- coat hanger
- construction
- frame
- framework
- gantry
- hanger
- honeycomb
- honeycombed
- matrix
- reframe
- shell
- structural
- structurally
- structure
- substructure
adjective[before noun]
(alsohome-school,home school)uk/ˈhəʊmˌskuːl/us/ˈhoʊmˌskuːl/used todescribepeoplethatteachtheirchildrenathomeratherthansendingthem toschool, or thingsrelatedto doing this:
Seventeachershad beenhiredtoworkwith home-schoolfamilies.
Somesubjectsarerequiredand must beincludedin the homeschoolcurriculum.
- As a homeschoolfathermyself, Iunderstandthedifficulties.
- The judge'sdecisioninfuriatedhomeschooladvocates.
- He wasaskedwhat theylearnedintheirhome-schoolclasses.
- She was thestay-at-homemotherand home-schoolteacherof fivechildren.
Types of education
- abstinence education
- abstinence programme
- abstinence-only
- academically
- adaptive learning
- child-centred
- classroom
- communicative
- heuristic
- homeschooling
- hothouse
- hybrid
- m-learning
- mainstreaming
- mobile learning
- non-academic
- nursery
- special educational needs
- vocationally