uk/ˈhɪs.tər.i/us/ˈhɪs.t̬ɚ.i/historynoun(PAST EVENTS)
(thestudyof or arecordof) pasteventsconsideredtogether,especiallyeventsof aparticularperiod,country, orsubject:
历史;历史学IstudiedmodernEuropeanhistory atcollege.我在大学里学的是欧洲现代史。
American history美国历史
Annie'sdecidedto write a historyofelectronicmusic.安妮已经决定写一本关于电子音乐历史的书。
I onlyaskedhim for acigarette, but twohourslaterhe'd told me hiswholelifehistory.我只是跟他要支烟抽而已,可两小时之后他把他的整个身世都告诉了我。
something thathappenedorendedalongtimeago and is notimportantnow, or apersonwho is notimportantnow,althoughthey were in the past:
过去的事,过去的人(现已不再重要)Last year'sreportisancienthistory andtotallyirrelevantto thecurrentsituation.去年的报告已经是老早以前的事了,与当前的情况毫无关系。
"What about Dan - are you stillseeinghim?" "Oh, he's history."“那么丹呢──你还在和他交往吗?”“噢,他已经是历史了。”
- Ourguidetold us a lot about the history of thecastle.
- He is theauthorof twobooksonFrenchhistory.
- Throughout history,peoplehave beenintriguedby thequestionof whether there isintelligentlifeelsewherein theuniverse.
- Thefallof the BerlinWallmarkedthedawnof a newerainEuropeanhistory.
- Heknowsa lot about the history of thisarea, so he is oftenaskedtospeakatlocalclubsandsocieties.
History - general words
- a page in/of historyidiom
- Age of Exploration
- age of sail
- alternative history
- annal
- antiquarian
- antiquary
- antique
- digital age
- heritage
- histographer
- historic
- historical
- historically
- historiographer
- legacy
- modern
- non-historical
- revisionist
- the Agrarian Revolution
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Subjects & disciplines
In the past
C1[Cusually singular]
something that has been done orexperiencedby aparticularpersonor thingrepeatedlyover alongperiod:
经历,履历;沿革Herfamilyhas ahistoryofheartproblems.她的家族有心脏病史。
There's alonghistoryofindustrialdisputesat thefactory.那家工厂有很长的劳资纠纷史。
He has a goodcredithistory(= a goodrecordofpayingmoneythat heowes).他的信用记录很好。
Events and occurrences
- -athon
- affair
- back story
- be (all) part of life's rich tapestry/pageantidiom
- benefit
- binge
- brush
- car wash
- curveball
- date night
- edition
- epiphenomenon
- episode
- near miss
- occasion
- occurrence
- proceedings
- reoccurrence
- saga
- thing
make history