释义 |
hitverb(TOUCH)A2[T]tomoveyourhandor anobjectonto thesurfaceof something so that ittouchesit, usually withforce: 击,打 Teachers are notallowedto hittheirpupils.不允许教师打学生。 Thistypeofglasswon'tshatternomatterhow hard you hit it.这种玻璃无论你怎么敲击都不会碎。 She hit herthumbwiththehammer.她用锤子砸到自己的拇指。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto hit someone or something - hitShe was expelled for hitting another pupil.
- whackShe whacked the water with her paddle.
- bashThe swinging door bashed him in the face.
- strikeShe had been struck on the head with a golf ball.
- beatHe was cruel to his dog and beat it with a stick.
- punchHe punched me in the stomach.
See more results » B1[T]totouchsomething withsuddenforce: 碰撞 They were going about 60kilometresanhourwhentheircarhit thetree.他们的车撞到树上时正以约每小时60公里的车速行驶。 Onejournalistwas hitinthelegby astraybullet.一名记者被流弹击中了腿部。 That newshelfin thebathroomis toolow- I just hit myheadonit.浴室里的那个新架子太低——我的头刚刚撞在上面了。 - I've got abruisewhere I hit mylegagainst thecornerof thetable.
- Astonehit thewindowandcrackedtheglass.
- I was onlyteasinghim andsuddenlyhelashedout at me and hit me in theface.
- Thecarskiddedoff theroad, hit atreeandoverturned.
- Justtrytoconcentrateon hitting theball.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHitting and beating - at-risk
- bangsomeoneup
- basher
- bashing
- battered
- brain
- bunch
- butt
- head-butt
- hell
- kick
- knock
- knocksomeone'sblock offidiom
- mess
- swing
- tansomeone'shideidiom
- tar
- wallop
- whop
- whup
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Hitting against objects accidentally and colliding hitverb(EFFECT)B2[T]to have anunpleasantornegativeeffecton apersonor thing: 产生不良影响;打击 Productionhas beenbadlyhit by thestrike.罢工严重影响了生产。 Demand fortransatlanticflightshas been hit byfearsofterroristattacks.由于害怕遭遇恐怖袭击,人们对飞越大西洋航班的需求受到了影响。 C2[T]If anideaorthoughthits you, yousuddenlythinkof it: 忽然意识到 That's when it hit me that mylifewould never be the same again.那一刻我忽然明白我的人生再也不会和过去一样了。 - Sheopenedthewindowand I was hit by anicyblastofair.
- Smallbusinesseshave beenworsthit by therecession.
- These newtaxarrangementswill hit everyone, butespeciallymiddle-incomefamilies.
- I've been havinglotsofshortnightslatelyand today thelackofsleephassuddenlyhit me.
- Hetriestopretendnothing hashappened, but thenrealityhits him and it's very hard.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDamaging and spoiling - adulterate
- adulterated
- adulteration
- at the expense ofsomeoneidiom
- at-risk
- butcher
- erode
- flaw
- foul
- foul(something)up
- gild the lilyidiom
- gloss
- gnaw
- rampage
- ravage
- ravages
- ruin
- scourge
- sour
- wreck
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Thinking and contemplating hitverb(SHOOT)[Toften passive]toshootat orbombaplaceorperson,causingdamageorinjury: 射击;轰炸 Twoschoolswere hit during theairraid.空袭中有两所学校遭到了轰炸。 He was hit in theneckby abulletfrom asniper.他被一名狙击手射出的子弹击中了颈部。 Try to hit themiddleof thetarget.要尽量打中靶心。 - Thebullethit him and hecrumpledinto aheapon thefloor.
- Threesoldierswerekilledbyfriendlyfirewhen amortarbombhittheirtruck.
- 90percentof theprojectedmissileswill hittheirtarget.
- He was hit by aricochetfrom astraybullet.
- I had fourshotsbut I didn'tevenhit thetarget.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDetonation & bombardment - air raid
- airstrike
- blanket bombing
- blitz
- blitzkrieg
- direct hit
- dive-bomb
- drone strike
- firebomb
- firebombing
- go off
- prime
- saturation bombing
- shell
- shelling
- shoot
- shootsomethingdown
- shooting
- strafe
- strike
See more results » hitverb(REACH)C1[T]toarriveat aplaceorposition: 到达 If weturnleftat the nextjunction, we should hit themainroadafter fivemilesor so.如果在下一个路口左转弯,走5英里左右后我们就会抵达大路。 C1[T]tosucceedinreachingorachievingsomething: 达到,实现 Ourprofitshit anall-timehigh of $20 million lastyear.去年我们的盈利达到了2000万英镑的最高纪录。 I just can't hit(=sing)those highnoteslike I used to.我就是不能像过去一样把那些高音唱上去。 - Thedollarhas hit anall-timelowagainst theJapaneseyen.
- It should be about six o'clock when we hit Birmingham.
- Theprimeminister'sopinionpollratingshave hitrockbottom.
- Madonna's newsinglehit thechartstoday atnumber3.
- If youkeepgoing in thisdirection, you will hit thecoasteventually.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesArriving, entering and invading - annex
- annexation
- be on the sceneidiom
- been
- break
- breaksomeonein
- interloper
- intrude
- intrusion
- invade
- jump
- jump the queueidiom
- land
- roll up!idiom
- scene
- set foot insomewhereidiom
- show up
- trespass
- turn
- turn out
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Succeeding, achieving and fulfilling hitverb(SUCCESS)hit it offinformal B2to like someone andbecomefriendlyimmediately: (与某人)相处得好,合得来 I didn't really hit it offwithhisfriends.我和他的朋友们并不怎么合得来。 Jake and Sue hit it offimmediately.杰克和苏一见如故。 Imethissisterand we hit it offrightfrom thestart. Shemethim in aclub. They hit it offimmediatelyandlivedtogether for twoyearsbefore gettingmarried. Iworkedwith Hugh foryearsbut we never really hit it off. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBeing friends & getting to know them - be on speaking termsidiom
- be/get in withsomeoneidiom
- be/live in each other's pocketsidiom
- befriend
- bonding
- get on like a house on fireidiom
- go back a long wayidiom
- hang
- hang around withsomeone
- hang out
- mix
- move
- pal up
- present
- pull
- pullsomethingon
- rub
- score
- speak
- strike
See more results » hitverb(ATTACK)[T]mainlyUSslangtokillsomeone: 杀死 Threedrugdealerswere hit in thecityover theweekend.周末有3名毒贩在该市被击毙。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesKilling - -cide
- abattoir
- anti-suicide
- assisted suicide
- butchery
- claimsomeone'slifeidiom
- commit
- culpable homicide
- deadly
- exterminate
- liquidate
- misery
- mortal
- neutralization
- neutralize
- non-fatal
- overlie
- poison
- sacrifice
- wring
See more results » hitverb(SCORE)[T]insportsincludingbaseballandcricket, toscorepointsorruns: Walsh hit 10foursand twosixesin his fourth one-daycentury. He hit a career-high 17homerunslastyear. [T]inbaseball, toscoreaparticularnumberofpointsonaverageas abatter: He hit .372 with 6homeruns, 14 RBIs, and 15runsscored. - Yesterday, hefaced74ballsand hit ninefoursand twosixes.
- Ramirez hit his secondhomerof thenighttocuttheleadto 4–2.
- He hit .521 as aseniorand wasnamedthe state'splayerof theyear.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWinning, losing & scoring in sport - aet
- against the run of playidiom
- bag
- blowsomeoneaway
- close-run
- co-holder
- concede
- equalizer
- golden goal
- pull
- pull back
- reelsomethingoff
- relegation zone
- run away withsomeone
- score
- scorecard
- straight
- strike
- treble
- walk itidiom
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Baseball & rounders Cricket Idiomshitsomeonebetween the eyes hitsomeonewhere it hurts hit home hit the books hit the bottle hit the ceiling/roof hit the deck hit the ground running hit the hay/sack hit the headlines hit the jackpot hit the nail on the head hit the road hit the spot hit a wall hit the wall not know what hit you Phrasal verbshit back hit onsomeone hit on/uponsomething hit out hitsomeoneup hitnoun[C](SUCCESS)B1a thing orpersonthat is verypopularorsuccessful: 非常受欢迎的人(或事);非常成功的人(或事) The Beatles had astringof number-one hits in the 1960s.20世纪60年代甲壳虫乐队推出了一系列排行榜冠军曲目。 Yourcakewas arealhit at theparty- everyonecommented.聚会上你的蛋糕真是棒极了——每个人都在谈论。 They've justreleasedanalbumoftheirgreatesthits(=theirmostsuccessfulsongs).他们刚刚发行了一张他们的上榜歌曲精选。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplessomeone or something that becomes popular, wealthy, or has achieved a lot - successThe new TV series was a wild success.
- a roaring successHer third album was a roaring success and went platinum.
- hitDinner was a hit with the kids.
- triumphThe court verdict was a triumph for all abuse victims.
- winWhat can we do to get a win out of this situation?
See more results » - The Beatles' first hit was 'Love Me Do'.
- Her lastfilmwas asurprisebox-office hit.
- The newalbumcontainssome carefully-wrought newsongsand anumberoffamiliarhits.
- He had astringof top-20 hits during the 80s.
- We'll take anostalgiclookat themusicalhits of the 60s.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSuccessful (things or people) - achiever
- alive
- alpha male
- arrive
- ascendant
- baller
- bang
- carry
- havesomethinginyourpocketidiom
- have the world atyourfeetidiom
- healthily
- heavy hitteridiom
- high-flyer
- pocket
- represent
- superachiever
- superhit
- superseller
- swimmingly
- thriving
See more results » hitnoun[C](INTERNET)B2arequestto use awebpageon theinternetthat is thencountedtocalculatethenumberofpeoplelookingat thepage: (对因特网网页的)点击 Ourpagehad 243 hits thisweek.我们的网页本周的点击数为243次。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInternet terminology - above/below the foldidiom
- address bar
- affiliate link
- affiliate marketing
- all-you-can-eat
- domain name
- internet
- internet café
- internet-enabled
- interweb
- IP
- keyboard warrior
- podcast
- refresh
- shopping basket
- unlike
- upvote
- user experience
- utility computing
- UX
See more results » hitnoun[C](TOUCH)theactof hitting something or someone, or anoccasionwhen something or someone hits you: 击,打She gave him a hitontheheadwhichknockedhimflying.她击中了他的头部,打得他眼冒金星。 inbaseball, when thebatter(=persontryingto hit theball)safelyreachesfirstbaseafter hitting theball (棒球运动中的)安打SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHitting and beating - at-risk
- bangsomeoneup
- basher
- bashing
- battered
- brain
- bunch
- butt
- head-butt
- hell
- kick
- knock
- knocksomeone'sblock offidiom
- mess
- swing
- tansomeone'shideidiom
- tar
- wallop
- whop
- whup
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: hitnoun[C](SHOOT)anoccasionwhen something that has beenthrown,dropped,shot, etc. at aplaceorobjectreachesthatplaceorobject: 击中,打中Therebelheadquarterstook adirecthit from abombduring theattack.在这次进攻中,一颗炸弹直接击中了叛军的总部。 Iscoreda hit on my secondshot.我的第二枪击中了靶心。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDetonation & bombardment - air raid
- airstrike
- blanket bombing
- blitz
- blitzkrieg
- direct hit
- dive-bomb
- drone strike
- firebomb
- firebombing
- go off
- prime
- saturation bombing
- shell
- shelling
- shoot
- shootsomethingdown
- shooting
- strafe
- strike
See more results » hitnoun[C](ATTACK)mainlyUSslanganactofmurder: 杀人,谋杀 He was thevictimof amafiahit.他是被黑手党谋杀的。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMurder & attempted murder - asphyxiation
- assassinate
- assassination
- attempt
- bloodstained
- butcher
- drive-by
- genocide
- gunsomeonedown
- holocaust
- homicide
- infanticide
- polish
- polishsomethingoff
- pop off
- putsomeoneto the swordidiom
- regicide
- slaughter
- smother
- snuff
See more results » (Definition ofhitfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)hitverb(TOUCH)A2[T]tomoveyourhandor anobjectonto thesurfaceof something so that ittouchesit, usually withforce 击,打Teachers are notallowedto hittheirpupils.不允许教师打学生。 Thistypeofglasswon'tshatternomatterhow hard you hit it.这种玻璃无论你怎么敲击都不会碎。 She hit herthumbwiththehammer.她用锤子砸到自己的拇指。 B1[T]totouchsomething withsuddenforce 碰撞They were going about 60kilometresanhourwhentheircarhit thetree.他们的车撞到树上时正以约每小时60公里的车速行驶。 Onejournalistwas hitinthelegby astraybullet.一名记者被流弹击中了腿部。 That newshelfin thebathroomis toolow- I just hit myheadonit.浴室里的那个新架子太低——我的头刚刚撞在上面了。 - I've got abruisewhere I hit mylegagainst thecornerof thetable.
- Astonehit thewindowandcrackedtheglass.
- I was onlyteasinghim andsuddenlyhelashedout at me and hit me in theface.
- Thecarskiddedoff theroad, hit atreeandoverturned.
- Justtrytoconcentrateon hitting theball.
hitverb(EFFECT)B2[T]to have anunpleasantornegativeeffecton apersonor thing 产生不良影响;打击Production has beenbadlyhit by thestrike.罢工严重影响了生产。 Demand fortransatlanticflightshas been hit byfearsofterroristattacks.由于害怕遭遇恐怖袭击,人们对飞越大西洋航班的需求受到了影响。 C2[T]If anideaorthoughthits you, yousuddenlythinkof it. 忽然意识到That's when it hit me that mylifewould never be the same again.那一刻我忽然明白我的人生再也不会和过去一样了。 - Sheopenedthewindowand I was hit by anicyblastofair.
- Smallbusinesseshave beenworsthit by therecession.
- These newtaxarrangementswill hit everyone, butespeciallymiddle-incomefamilies.
- I've been havinglotsofshortnightslatelyand today thelackofsleephassuddenlyhit me.
- Hetriestopretendnothing hashappened, but thenrealityhits him and it's very hard.
hitverb(SHOOT)[Toften passive]toshootat orbombaplaceorperson,causingdamageorinjury 射击;轰炸Twoschoolswere hit during theairraid.空袭中有两所学校遭到了轰炸。 He was hit in theneckby abulletfrom asniper.他被一名狙击手射出的子弹击中了颈部。 Try to hit themiddleof thetarget.要尽量打中靶心。 - Thebullethit him and hecrumpledinto aheapon thefloor.
- Threesoldierswerekilledbyfriendlyfirewhen amortarbombhittheirtruck.
- 90percentof theprojectedmissileswill hittheirtarget.
- He was hit by aricochetfrom astraybullet.
- I had fourshotsbut I didn'tevenhit thetarget.
hitverb(REACH)C1[T]toarriveat aplaceorposition 到达If weturnleftat the nextjunction, we should hit themainroadafter fivemilesor so.如果在下一个路口左转弯,走5英里左右后我们就会抵达大路。 C1[T]tosucceedinreachingorachievingsomething 达到,实现Ourprofitshit anall-timehigh of $20 million lastyear.去年我们的盈利达到了2000万英镑的最高纪录。 I just can't hit(=sing)those highnoteslike I used to.我就是不能像过去一样把那些高音唱上去。 - Thedollarhas hit anall-timelowagainst theJapaneseyen.
- It should be about six o'clock when we hit Birmingham.
- Theprimeminister'sopinionpollratingshave hitrockbottom.
- Madonna's newsinglehit thechartstoday atnumber3.
- If youkeepgoing in thisdirection, you will hit thecoasteventually.
hitverb(SUCCESS)hit it offinformal B2to like someone andbecomefriendlyimmediately (与某人)相处得好,合得来I didn't really hit it offwithhisfriends.我和他的朋友们并不怎么合得来。 Jake and Sue hit it offimmediately.杰克和苏一见如故。 hitverb(ATTACK)[T]mainlyUSslangtokillsomeone 杀死Threedrugdealerswere hit in thecityover theweekend.周末有3名毒贩在该市被击毙。 Idiomshitsbbetween the eyes hitsbwhere it hurts hit home hit the books hit the bottle hit the ceiling/roof hit the deck hit the ground running hit the hay/sack hit the headlines hit the jackpot hit the nail on the head hit the road hit the spot not know what hit you Phrasal verbshit back hit onsb hit on/uponsth hit out hitsbup hitnoun[C](SUCCESS)B1a thing orpersonthat is verypopularorsuccessful 非常受欢迎的人(或事);非常成功的人(或事)The Beatles had astringof number-one hits in the 1960s.20世纪60年代甲壳虫乐队推出了一系列排行榜冠军曲目。 Yourcakewas arealhit at theparty- everyonecommented.聚会上你的蛋糕真是棒极了——每个人都在谈论。 They've justreleasedanalbumoftheirgreatesthits(=theirmostsuccessfulsongs).他们刚刚发行了一张他们的上榜歌曲精选。 - The Beatles' first hit was 'Love Me Do'.
- Her lastfilmwas asurprisebox-office hit.
- The newalbumcontainssome carefully-wrought newsongsand anumberoffamiliarhits.
- He had astringof top-20 hits during the 80s.
- We'll take anostalgiclookat themusicalhits of the 60s.
hitnoun[C](INTERNET)B2arequestto use awebpageon the internet that is thencountedtocalculatethenumberofpeoplelookingat thepage (对因特网网页的)点击Ourpagehad 243 hits thisweek.我们的网页本周的点击数为243次。 hitnoun[C](TOUCH)theactof hitting something or someone, or anoccasionwhen something or someone hits you 击,打She gave him a hitontheheadwhichknockedhimflying.她击中了他的头部,打得他眼冒金星。 inbaseball, when thebatter(=persontryingto hit theball)safelyreachesfirstbaseafter hitting theball (棒球运动中的)安打 hitnoun[C](SHOOT)anoccasionwhen something that has beenthrown,dropped,shot, etc. at aplaceorobjectreachesthatplaceorobject 击中,打中Therebelheadquarterstook adirecthit from abombduring theattack.在这次进攻中,一颗炸弹直接击中了叛军的总部。 Iscoreda hit on my secondshot.我的第二枪击中了靶心。 hitnoun[C](ATTACK)mainlyUSslanganactofmurder 杀人,谋杀He was thevictimof amafiahit.他是被黑手党谋杀的。 hitverb[T](TOUCH FORCEFULLY)present participlehitting|past tense and past participlehittotouchquicklyandforcefully, with thehandor anobject: Don’t hityourlittlebrother! They werethrowingrocks, and one of therockshit awindowandbrokeit. She must havefallenasleep, and thecarhit atree. present participlehitting|past tense and past participlehitIf something hitspartofyourbody, or you hit it, you come up against it byaccident: He’s sotallhekeepshitting hisheadwhen he goes through adoorway. present participlehitting|past tense and past participlehitSomeone who is hit by abulletorexplosiveweaponisinjuredby it: Onejournalistwas hit in thelegby astraybullet. hitverb[T](HAVE EFFECT)present participlehitting|past tense and past participlehitto have anunpleasantornegativeeffecton apersonor thing: Commuters are going to be hit hard by theriseingasolineprices. present participlehitting|past tense and past participlehitinfmlIf animportantfacthits you, yousuddenlyunderstandthemeaningof it: It just hit me thatoncesheleaves, I may neverseeher again. hitverb[T](ARRIVE AT)infmlpresent participlehitting|past tense and past participlehittoarriveat aplace,position, orstate: The company’sprofitshit anall-timehigh lastyear. hitverb[T](BASEBALL)to make athrownbaseballmovewithin theplayingareabytouchingit with abat(=stick): Rodriguez hit a highflyballthat wascaughtby the shortstop. Idiomshit home hit it off (withsomeone) hit the books hit the deck hit the ground running hit the jackpot hit the nail on the head hit the road hit the roof hit the sack hit the skids somethinghits the spot Phrasal verbshit back hit onsomeone hit on/uponsomething hit upsomeone hitnoun[C](SUCCESS)someone or something that is verypopularorsuccessful: Themusicalis one of thebiggesthits on Broadway. hitnoun[C](BASEBALL)Jason had three hits in fourtimesatbat. hitnoun[C](FORCEFUL TOUCH)theactof hitting someone or something, or anoccasionwhen someone or something is hit: Thehospitaltook adirecthit from abomb. (Definition ofhitfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)[IorT]to have anunpleasantornegativeeffecton someone or something : Risingfuelcostshitindustrialandruralareasworst. Companiestendto beslowtolayoffemployeeswhen hardtimeshit, but they arequickertoceasehiring. be hit by sthOilfirmshave been hit by a 10%increaseinpetroleumtax. be hit with sthAtractormade in theUnitedStatesandshippedto Chile is hit with $25,000 intariffsandduties. [T]toreachaparticularleveloramount,especiallya very high or verylowone: Sales hit $300 million within the first threeyears. hit an all-time/a record high/lowLastweekpropertyshareshit arecordlow. Thecompanyis verycapableofhittingitstargetswellaheadofschedule. [T]informaltoexperienceadifficultsituationorstopmakingprogresswith something: Talks between thebossesand theunionyesterdayhit amajorsetback. Theprojectbegansmoothly, but then webeganto hit someproblems. hit the market/shops/shelves informaltobecomeavailableforpeopletobuy: Although thetoysare only just now hitting themarket, ahugeadvertisingcampaignhas been inplacefor severalmonths. be hit hard/be hard hit (by sth) to bebadlyaffectedby something: Carmakerswere among thehardesthit asconsumersboughtfewervehicleslastmonth. Theareahas been hit hard byjoblossesintextilesandfurniture. hit a wall toreachapointat which no moreprogresscan be made: Theenergybillisexpectedto hit awallin theSenate, where Republicans have enoughvotestoblockit. hit bottom informaltoreachanextremelylowlevel: The U.S.economyisbeginningto showsignsthat it is hittingbottomand that aturnaroundcould getunderwaylaterthisyear. hit it big informaltobecomeverysuccessful: Thecompanyhit itbigwhen theyreceivedanorderfor threecommercialsatellites. hit the buffers mainlyUKinformaltosuddenlystopbeingsuccessfulorstophappening: Themainworryis that theeconomymight hit thebuffers. Theirplanstobecomeone of the world'slargesttelecomsfirmshas hit thebuffers. hit the ground running informaltoimmediatelyworkhard andsuccessfullyat a newactivity: Companies oftenexpectstaffto hit thegroundrunning. hit the headlines toreceivea lot ofattentioninnewsreports: He hit theheadlineswhen hesolda millionsharesat £5.80 ashare. hit the jackpot toachievefinancialsuccess: They need alicensingdealto abigdrugcompanybeforejudgingiftheirbiotechventurehas hit thejackpot. hit the wallUS Thequestionmarkis whether thecompanyis going to hit thewall. Phrasal verbshit back hit sb up (for sth)/hit sb for sth a thing orpersonthat is verypopularorsuccessful: a hit with sb/sthTheMexicanrestaurantis ahugehit withlocals, whoswearby theMexicanpizzasandfriedbreaddishes. Planscallfordoublingboth theworkforceandproductionif thevehiclesprovea hit. E-COMMERCE,MARKETINGavisitto aparticularwebsiteon theinternet, which is thencountedtocalculatethenumberofpeoplewhoseethewebsite: attract/get/receive hitsThesitetypicallygets anaverageof about 400,000 hits aday. something that has anunpleasantornegativeeffecton apersonor thing: a hit to sthInvestors areworriedabout thedirecthit toconsumerconfidence. For somebusinesses, thefinancialhitwassubstantial. take a hit to bebadlyaffectedby adifficultsituationorproblem: Consumerspendingaccountsfor more than two-thirds of the nation'seconomicactivity, so whenconsumerstake a hit, so does theeconomy. to have topayanunusualcost: Thecompanyrecentlytook a hit to thetuneof $4 million inhealthinsurancecosts. (Definition ofhitfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/hit## |