to put something or someone in aplacewhere that thing orpersoncannot beseenorfound, or to put yourselfsomewherewhere you cannot beseenorfound:
把…藏起来;躲藏She used to hide herdiaryunder herpillow.她过去常把自己的日记藏在枕头下。
Akiloofheroinwasfoundhidden inside theliningof thesuitcase.在那个手提箱的内衬里发现藏有1公斤海洛因。
I likewearingsunglasses- IfeelI can hidebehindthem.我喜欢戴太阳镜——我觉得我可以藏在镜片的后面。
to keep someone or something from being seen
- hideI'll need to hide the sweets so the children don't find them.
- concealHe did his best to conceal his true feelings from his spouse.
- secreteThe spies smuggled the films out of the country by secreting them in the lining of their coats.
- cloakThe proceedings were cloaked in secrecy.
topreventsomething from beingseen:
遮掩,遮盖Hetriesto hide hisbaldspotbysweepinghishairover to oneside.他试图通过把头发梳向一边来掩盖他头顶上的秃块。
to not show anemotion:
掩饰(情感)Shetriedto hide herdisappointmentat not getting thepromotion.她试图掩饰自己对没有得到提升的失望。
If you hideinformationfrom someone, you do notallowthatpersontoknowit:
隐瞒(消息)Ifeelsurethere's something about her past that she'stryingto hidefromme.我确信她在试图对我隐瞒她过去的某些事情。
- Idyemyhairto hide mygreystreaks.
- Thecatwas hiding under thesofa.
- Thedogwasdiggingaholeto hideitsbonein.
- Jaime hid theletterbeneath apileofpapers.
- Alineoftreesat thebottomof thegardenhid theuglyfactorywalls.
Hiding and disguising
- be holed upidiom
- booby trap
- camo
- camouflage
- camouflaged
- cloak
- drown
- hiding
- hit the deckidiom
- hole up (somewhere)
- illusion
- incognito
- secrete
- shroud
- shut
- shutsomeone/somethingout
- sidle
- skulk
- smokescreen
- tuck
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Secrecy and privacy
hide your light under a bushel
Phrasal verb
hide out
thestrong,thickskinof ananimal, used for makingleather
(用于制作皮革的)兽皮Tanning & leather
- buckskin
- calfskin
- chamois
- cowhide
- dubbin
- goatskin
- kid
- leather
- leatherette
- nappa
- nubuck
- patent
- patent leather
- pigskin
- suede
- tan
- tanner
- tannery
- tooled
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The skin, hair & bone of non-human animals
aplacewherepeoplecanwatchwildanimalsorbirdswithout beingnoticedby them
jacobeukman/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Zoology: ornithology & bird-watching
- aerie
- birdsong
- birdwatcher
- birdwatching
- eggshell
- feeding station
- flightless
- flyer
- hover
- incubate
- incubation
- incubator
- ornithological
- ornithologist
- ornithology
- twitcher