noun[Cusually singular,U]
theopinionthatpeopleingeneralhave about someone or something, or how muchrespectoradmirationsomeone or somethingreceives,basedon pastbehaviourorcharacter:
名誉;声望;名望Thecompanyhas aworldwidereputationforquality.这家公司的产品质量誉满全球。
She has the reputationofbeing a gooddoctor.作为一名优秀的医生,她很有声望。
His reputation wasdestroyedwhen he wascaughtstealingsomemoney.他偷钱时被当场抓住,这使他声名扫地。
Thehotelhas abad/goodreputation.这家旅馆名声很好/坏。
Heearned/established/gained/acquireda reputationasanentertainingspeaker.他因为演讲妙趣横生而赢得/享有/得到/获得盛名。
- Recentdiscoveriesaboutcorruptionhave doneseriousdamageto the company's reputation.
- The government's reputation has already beenharmedby aseriesofscandals.
- Thenewspaperhas a reputation for beinglitteredwithspellingmistakes.
- She has a reputation foropen-mindednessandoriginalthinking.
- Actors' reputations have been made andunmadeon this Londonstage.
- by reputationidiom
- cred
- credibility
- detoxify
- disreputable
- honourable
- honourably
- infamous
- infamy
- mud
- mud sticksidiom
- notorious
- notoriously
- rep
- reputable
- reputably
- reputational
- smoke
- standing
- there's no smoke without fireidiom
by reputation