Reviewyourmessageand re-record it until you arehappythat yousoundclearandprecise.
Theconfusionmay havearisenfrom thefactthat he rerecorded many of hishitsthroughouthiscareer.
- Inrecentyears, thesonghas been re-recordedsuccessfullyby severalrockartists.
- Theproducerslicensedthemusicfrom "TheGreatEscape" andaskedme to re-record it for thescene.
- Theaudioqualitywasn'tgreat, so the president'saideshad him rerecord thespeechin astudio.
Recording sounds and images
- audiovisual
- AV
- deepfake
- digitally
- distort
- distortion
- erase
- fade
- misrecord
- mix
- mono
- playsomethingback
- production
- record
- release
- resynthesis
- resynthesize
- sampler
- sound effect
- sound engineer