toincreaseorreducethenumberofpixels(= thesmallestunitsof animageon ascreen)in animage:
Enlarging animageby resampling it willmagnifyanyanomalies.
Thesoftwarewillattemptto resample theimageat differentresolutions, thenprocessit again.
- There is a highpenaltytopayinqualityif theimageis resampled above 150% or below 50%.
- Thesmartphoneversionof thesoftwarewilldelivera resampledvideoat aresolutionthesmallerdevicecanmanage.
- We willcontinuetomonitorthesituationand re-sample ifnecessary.
Computer programming & software
- abandonware
- ad-blocker
- ad-blocking
- adware
- analytics
- cheat
- facial recognition
- facial recognition software
- femtech
- file system
- garbage collector
- infection
- planner
- routine
- software package
- splash screen
- story mode
- syntactic
- syntactically
- system software
to take anothersample(=smallamountof asubstance)from someone or something inordertoexamineit:
Thesoilwas resampled because achildwasfoundto havelowlevelsofleadin herblood.
Fourbirdswere re-sampled assalmonellanegativeonday13.
- We could getfurtherinformationon salmonella-positivebirdsby resamplingindividualbirds.
- Short-term repeatability ofresultswastestedby resamplingbaitstations.
Testing, checking and experimenting
- artefact
- assay
- calibrate
- calibration
- check out
- crucible
- experimenter
- factorial
- feeler
- inoculate
- inoculation
- inspect
- putsomethingto the testidiom
- recheck
- reinspect
- reinspection
- rescreen
- road test
- screening
- welfare check
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Scientific techniques