(especiallyof things that are notliving) being alargedistancefromtoptobottomor alongway above theground, or having thestateddistancefromtoptobottom:
(尤指无生命的东西)高的,有…高的a highbuilding/mountain高楼/高山
It's two and ahalfmetreshigh and onemetrewide.它有两米半高,一米宽。
Thecorngrewwaist-high(= as high as a person'swaist)in thefields.田里的玉米长到了齐腰的高度。
having a large distance from bottom to top
- highThe garden is surrounded by a high wall.
- tallMount Everest is the world's tallest mountain.
- loftyThe path winds along the lofty peaks of the Andes.
- soaringSoaring mountains and lush valleys are every nature enthusiast's dream.
- Thehouseisencircledby a highfence.
- I've put thecakeon a highshelfwhere he can't get at it.
- Ilovehighheelsbut they'reratherimpractical.
- A highwallisolatedthehousefrom therestof thevillage.
- Thevillageisperchedontopof a highhill.
High, tall and deep
- abysmal
- altitude
- bottomless
- deep
- dwarf
- ectomorph
- elevated
- eye level
- higher
- lofty
- overshadow
- rangy
- rear
- rear above/oversomething/someone
- stand
- tall
- tallish
- tallness
- tower
- tower above/oversomeone/something
highadjective(ABOVE AVERAGE)
greaterthan theusualleveloramount:
Hesuffersfrom highbloodpressure.他患有高血压。
Antiquefurniturefetchesvery highpricesthesedays.这段时间古董家具的卖价很高。
She got very highmarksin hergeographyexam.她的地理考试得分很高。
It's verydangeroustodriveat highspeedwhen theroadsarewet.在潮湿的路面上高速驾驶是很危险的。
He's in a high-securityprison.他被关在一处戒备森严的监狱中。
greater than the usual level or amount
- highHigh temperatures are set to continue into next week.
- high inThis cereal is high in fibre and nutrients.
- extremeThey live in extreme poverty.
- stratosphericHome prices are stratospheric around here!
- soaringRents are soaring while pay remains steady.
high insomething
containingalargequantityof something:
含有大量…的Iavoidfoodsthat are high infat.我避免食用含有大量脂肪的食物。
greater than the usual level or amount
- highHigh temperatures are set to continue into next week.
- high inThis cereal is high in fibre and nutrients.
- extremeThey live in extreme poverty.
- stratosphericHome prices are stratospheric around here!
- soaringRents are soaring while pay remains steady.
high standards/principles
very good or verymoralstandards:
高标准/高度的道德准则She was a woman of highprinciples.她是一位道德高尚的女士。
Shedemandsvery highstandardsfrom thepeoplewhoworkfor her.她对为她工作的人要求很高。
high winds
大风,强风Highwindscauseddelayson theferries.大风导致渡轮延误。
- Chocolate has a highfatcontent.
- She had a hightemperatureand wasdelirious.
- Pollution hasreacheddisturbinglyhighlevelsin someurbanareas.
- A lot ofbusinessesare beinghurtby thecurrenthighinterestrates.
- Thepollencountis high today, which isbadnewsforhayfeversufferers.
Big and quite big
- appreciable
- baronial
- bloated
- bulky
- burly
- expansive
- heaping
- hearty
- hefty
- higher
- hulking
- palatial
- rambling
- roomy
- royal
- savage
- sizable
- sizeable
- the bigger the betteridiom
- walk-in
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Masses and large amounts of things
Virtue and moral good
Wind & winds
Power and intensity
havingpower, animportantposition, orgreatinfluence:
(权位)重要的,高级的anofficerof highrank高级军官
- We've got tochangethepresentsystemin which highcourtjudgesareregardedassomehowuntouchable.
- As thedaughterof thepresident, sheenjoyshighstatusamong herpeers.
- Hisfatherwas ahigh-rankingofficialin theembassy.
- She iswidelyregardedas the highpriestessofcontemporarydance.
- At theageof 32, shemanagedtoenterone of thecitadelsof highfashion.
Important people and describing important people
- august
- baron
- be the cat's whiskersidiom
- doyen
- doyenne
- first among equalsidiom
- get oversomething/someone
- get over yourself!idiom
- guest of honour
- lynchpin
- Mister Big
- mogul
- moment
- movers and shakers
- nabob
- the big boys
- the big enchiladaidiom
- the grand old man ofsomethingidiom
near or at thetopof therangeofsounds:
高音的,声音尖锐的I can'treachthe highnotes.这些高音我唱不上去。
at the top of a range of sound
- highShe has a very high voice.
- high-pitchedHe talks to his dog in the most ridiculous high-pitched voice.
- shrillHe called the dog back with a shrill whistle.
- reedyHe had a thin, reedy voice.
Describing qualities of sound
- audibly
- chuff
- clomp
- consonance
- crackly
- euphonious
- fullness
- harmonious
- melodic
- plaintively
- plaintiveness
- plangent
- pure
- raucously
- rhythmic
- sizzling
- timbre
- tinny
- tuneful
- tuneless
(offood)smellingbadand nolongergood toeat:
(食物)腐坏的,变质的Thismeatisratherhigh - I'm going tothrowit out.这块肉已经变质了——我去扔掉。
Not pleasant to eat or drink
- (as) tough as old bootsidiom
- bitter
- bitterness
- bland
- chewy
- dishwater
- insipidly
- insipidness
- like dishwateridiom
- mouldy
- overripe
- pungent
- stale
- staleness
- stick tosomeone'sribsidiom
- stodginess
- stodgy
- unpalatable
- unripe
- watery
highadjective(MENTAL STATE)
notthinkingorbehavingnormallybecause of takingdrugs:
(因吸毒而)极度兴奋的He was highonheroinat thetime.他当时正因吸了海洛因而飘飘欲仙。
Drugs - general words
- abstinence
- abstinence-only
- bindle
- biosimilar
- chase
- medicament
- multidrug
- non-intoxicant
- non-intoxicating
- nondrug
- peddler
- push
- shoot
- snort
- spliff
- spliff up
- substance
- substance abuse
- whacked
- wiped out
We use high for mountains and for things which are a long way above the ground:…Measurements
We use the nouns length, width, depth and height and the adjectives long, wide, deep and high to talk about area and size:…Area: length, width, depth and height
We use the nouns length, width, depth and height and the adjectives long, wide, deep and high to talk about area and size:…Weight and volume
We use the verb weigh to measure weight:…Frequency, speed, time
We use many different expressions to describe frequency, speed and time. Here are some of them:…Idioms
be as high as a kite
come/get (down) offyourhigh horse
get onyourhigh horse
have it on the highest authority
high and mighty
hunt/search high and low
leavesomeonehigh and dry
live high on/off the hog
take the high road
on high
uk/haɪ/us/haɪ/highnoun(ABOVE AVERAGE)
a higherlevelthan haseverbeenreachedpreviously:
- Thepassratein theexamshasreacheda new high thisyear.
- Sharepriceshavesoaredto a newall-timehigh in adayoffrantictradingon thestockmarket.
- Thevalueof theshareshita new high today.
- Yields ongasandelectricityshareshavehitarecordhigh.
- Viewingfiguresfor the TV showhita new high lastweek.
Large in number or quantity
- above and beyond sthidiom
- amount
- and then someidiom
- another
- any amount ofidiom
- bag
- half
- in bucketsidiom
- in spadesidiom
- incalculable
- innumerable
- load up onsomething
- million
- score
- super-large
- thick on the groundidiom
- tremendous
- untold
- upward(s) of
- whole
highnoun(MENTAL STATE)
[Cusually singular]
aperiodofextremeexcitementorhappinesswhen youfeelfullofenergy, oftencausedby afeelingofsuccess, or bydrugsoralcoholor areligiousexperience:
(因获得成功带来的)极度兴奋;(毒品、酒精或宗教体验引起的)快感,极乐Exercise gives you a high.运动使人兴奋。
She's beenona higheversince she got herarticlepublishedin the Times.自从她的文章在《泰晤士报》上发表以来,她一直情绪高涨。
There arelotsof highsandlowsin thisjob.这份工作中有很多快乐也有许多沮丧。
Pleasure and happiness
- abandon
- afterglow
- beatitude
- bed
- bed of rosesidiom
- delirium
- exaltation
- exultation
- feast
- for funphrase
- fulfilment
- fun
- goody
- joviality
- joy
- joyfulness
- joyousness
- jubilation
- savour
- stardust
informalforhigh school(when used in thenameof aschool):
(用于中学名称中,high school的非正式说法)I go toSantaAna High.我在圣安娜高中上学。
Types of school
- boarding school
- business school
- charter school
- coeducational
- comp
- comprehensive
- conservatory
- elementary school
- grade school
- gymnasium
- junior
- prep school
- reform school
- reformatory
- secondary school
- selective
- seminary
- senior high school
- special school
- varsity
We use the nouns length, width, depth and height and the adjectives long, wide, deep and high to talk about area and size:…Area: length, width, depth and height
We use the nouns length, width, depth and height and the adjectives long, wide, deep and high to talk about area and size:…Weight and volume
We use the verb weigh to measure weight:…Frequency, speed, time
We use many different expressions to describe frequency, speed and time. Here are some of them:…high
at or to alargedistancefrom theground:
在高处,高高地You'll have tohittheballquitehigh to get it over thatnet.你必须把球打得相当高,这样它才能过那网。
The newjetflewmuch higher than mostplanes.这种新的喷气式飞机飞得比大多数飞机都高很多。
- Wesawacondorglidinghigh above themountains.
- Theballrosehigh above thefielderandfellbehind theboundaryline.
- Can youseethosegoatsgrazinghigh in themountains?
- Hebattedtheballhigh into theair.
- Shetwirledherbatonhigh in theairas sheledtheparade.
High, tall and deep
- abysmal
- altitude
- bottomless
- deep
- dwarf
- ectomorph
- elevated
- eye level
- higher
- lofty
- overshadow
- rangy
- rear
- rear above/oversomething/someone
- stand
- tall
- tallish
- tallness
- tower
- tower above/oversomeone/something
We use the nouns length, width, depth and height and the adjectives long, wide, deep and high to talk about area and size:…Area: length, width, depth and height
We use the nouns length, width, depth and height and the adjectives long, wide, deep and high to talk about area and size:…Weight and volume
We use the verb weigh to measure weight:…Frequency, speed, time
We use many different expressions to describe frequency, speed and time. Here are some of them:…