agroupoftravellingperformersincludingacrobats(=peopleskilledindifficultphysicalmovements)or those whoworkwithtrainedanimals, or aperformanceby suchpeopleusually in alargetent:
马戏团;马戏演员;马戏表演Sheranaway tojointhe circus.她离家出走加入了马戏团。
Thehorsestrottedinto the circusring(= thelargecircle, withseatsall around, in which a circusperforms).马小跑着进入圆形马戏场。
Thechildrenlovedbeing taken to the circus.孩子们喜欢大人带他们去看马戏表演。

Jay P. Morgan/Photolibrary/GettyImages
- Mummy and Daddy are taking me to the circus onSaturday.
- Wenoticedaposteradvertisinga circus.
- Wemanagedto getringsideseatsfor the circus.
- Thechildrenwantedtoseethe circus.
- One of theacrobatswhowalkedthetightropeat the circus did itblindfolded.
Carnival, fairground & circus
- acrobatics
- aerialist
- amusement arcade
- amusement park
- big dipper
- big top
- custard pie
- Dodgem (car)
- fairground
- Ferris wheel
- fire-eater
- foam pie
- juggler
- juggling
- merry-go-round
- midway
- Punch and Judy show
- ringmaster
- trapeze
- unicycle
a lot ofactivityandinterestcausedby aneventorsituation:
Busy and active
- abustle
- arena
- be (as) busy as a beeidiom
- be all goidiom
- be at workidiom
- be back in harnessidiom
- boot
- frenetically
- gangbusters
- girlie swot
- hard-working
- harness
- plate
- rev
- run round in circlesidiom
- run round like a headless chickenidiom
- rush/runsomeoneofftheirfeetidiom
- scurry
- spread
- spreadyourselftoo thinidiom
anopencircularareawhere severalroadsjoin:
(数条道路交汇的)圆形广场Piccadilly Circus皮卡迪利广场
Road junctions
- box
- box junction
- cloverleaf
- corner
- crossing
- crossroad
- crossroads
- fork
- hamburger
- intersection
- junction
- mini-roundabout
- roundabout
- spaghetti junction
- staggered junction
- throughabout
- traffic circle
- turn off(something)
- turning