high-occupancy toll lane
transportUSspecialized(alsoHigh Occupancy Toll lane)uk/ˌhaɪ.ɒk.jə.pən.si ˈtəʊl ˌleɪn/us/ˌhaɪ.ɑː.kjə.pən.si ˈtoʊl ˌleɪn/(abbreviationHOT lane)a fast-movinglane(= asection)on awideroadthat is only to be used bycarswith two or morepeoplein them, bybuses, or byvehicleswith only adriverif thedriverpaysatoll(= acharge):
They areproposingbuildinghighoccupancytolllanestobettermanagerush-hourcommutes.
A High Occupancy Toll Lanepilotprojectisscheduledfor nextAprilonstateRoute167.
- Stateplannersareconsideringmaking suchlanesHigh Occupancy Tolllanes.
- Drivers who don't havepassengersbutwantaccessto lesscongestionand ashortercommutecan make use of High Occupancy Tolllanes.
On the road: driving & operating road vehicles
- aquaplaning
- backsomeoneup
- behind the wheelidiom
- bike
- biting point
- boxed in
- branch off
- coast
- drive off
- jam
- pullsomeoneup shortidiom
- satnav
- self-driving
- snow chains
- stall
- steerable
- tailgating
- undertake
- undertaking