medicalspecialized(UKpharmacopoeia)us/ˌfɑrː.məˈkoʊ.piː.ə/uk/ˌfɑː.mə.kəˈpiː.ə/alistofdrugs, together withinformationontheireffectsandinstructionson how they should be used :
In mostcountriesthere is anofficialpharmacopeia, and anydispenseddrugmustcomplywithitsstandards.
They did noteasilyfitinto theexistingpharmacopeias asregulardrugs.
Natureoffersavastpharmacopeia ofremediesthatmedicalsciencehas at lastbeguntoexplore.
Over theyears, heworkedhis way through a pharmacopeia ofrecreationaldrugs.
- In 1546 the first pharmacopeiaappearedin Nürnberg, Germany.
- Individualingredientsarelistedin the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of theUnitedStates.
- Everyculturehasdevelopeditsownherbalpharmacopeia.
- As he gotolder, he hadrestrictedhispersonalpharmacopeia tomorphineandsodiumbicarbonate.
Drugs - general words
- abstinence
- abstinence-only
- bindle
- biosimilar
- chase
- medicament
- multidrug
- non-intoxicant
- non-intoxicating
- nondrug
- peddler
- push
- shoot
- snort
- spliff
- spliff up
- substance
- substance abuse
- whacked
- wiped out