apersonwho is amemberof aparticularcountryand who hasrightsbecause of beingbornthere or because of being givenrights, or apersonwholivesin aparticulartownorcity:
公民;市民,城镇居民Theinterestsof British citizenslivingabroadareprotectedby the British Embassy.侨居国外的英国公民的利益受英国大使馆的保护。
Heappliedtobecomean American citizen.他申请成为美国公民。
The citizens of Moscowwokeup thismorningtofindthey had a newgovernment.今天早上,莫斯科市民一觉醒来发现他们有了一个新政府。
Oldpeopleare justtreatedlikesecond-classcitizens(=unimportantpeople).老年人只被当作二等公民对待。
Hereassuredpeoplethatlaw-abidingcitizens(=peoplewho do notbreakthelaw)would have nothing tofearfrom theenquiries.他宽慰人们说遵纪守法的公民对质询没有什么可害怕的。
- 'Seniorcitizen' is aeuphemismfor 'oldperson'.
- HeenteredtheUnitedStatesin 1988 as apermanentresidentbecause of hismarriageto a U.S. citizen.
- Sheaccusedthegovernmentoftramplingon theneedsandrightsof theordinarycitizen.
- Shebehavedas anyuprightcitizen would have under thecircumstances.
- She isregardedas anupstandingcitizen in thelocalcommunity.
Countries, nationalities & continents: country & nation
- birthright citizenship
- body politic
- coast
- countrywide
- cross-border
- domestic
- domestically
- dual
- dual citizen
- motherland
- nation
- non-domestic
- non-indigenous
- non-national
- noncitizen
- nuclear power
- statehood
- stateless
- superpower