thehouse,apartment, etc. where youlive,especiallywithyourfamily:
家,住宅Thesenatorhas two homes - anapartmentin Washington and ahouseinColorado.这位参议员有两个家——一个是位于华盛顿的公寓,另一个是科罗拉多的家。
He waslivingon thestreetsfor threemonths, and his home was acardboardbox.他在大街上住了3个月了,他的家就是一个纸板箱。
Call meathome after four o'clock.4点之后打家里的电话找我。
women whodecidetostayathome andlookaftertheirchildren决定留在家里带孩子的妇女
Helefthome(=stoppedlivingwith hisparents)when he was 23.他23岁时离家独立生活。
UKMore and morecouplesaresetting uphome together without gettingmarried.越来越多的伴侣不结婚就组成家庭。
ahouse,apartment, etc. when it isconsideredaspropertythat you canbuyorsell:
thetypeoffamilyyou come from:
家庭We had ahappyhome.我们有一个幸福的家庭。
childrenfrom abrokenhome(= from afamilyin which theparentshadseparated)来自离异家庭的孩子
aplacewherepeopleoranimalsliveand arecaredfor bypeoplewho are nottheirrelationsorowners:
养育院;收容所;…之家a children's home/anoldpeople's home/adogs' home孤儿院/养老院/流狼狗收容所
Hespenthis earlyyearsin ahome.他的幼年时期在孤儿院度过。
- He wasshotdeadoutsidehis home.
- Her home is in theeastof France.
- I'd like towishyou everyhappinessinyournew home.
- Stormscausedpowercutsin hundreds of homes lastnight.
- Thepolicefoundavitalclueto the girl'sdisappearancein awoodedareanear her home.
- a roof overyourheadidiom
- abode
- accommodation
- an Englishman's home is his castleidiom
- bolthole
- crib
- domestic
- domestically
- fold
- gaff
- habitation
- hangout
- harem
- non-home
- pad
- premises
- rabbit hutch
- residence
- residential
- roof
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Family: relations in general
someone's or something'splaceoforigin, or theplacewhere apersonfeelstheybelong:
出生地,发源地,故乡Ilivein London, but my home(= where I wasborn)is in Greece.我住在伦敦,但我出生在希腊。
I wasactuallybornin New Zealand, but I'velivedin Hong Kong for solongthat itfeelslikehome now.我实际上出生在新西兰,但我在香港住了这么久,现在感觉就像我的故乡一样了。
- Her home is theeastof France.
- After you'vegainedsomeexperienceteachingabroadyou can come home and get ajob.
- Theadvertisingcampaignwilltrytohammerhome themessagethatexcessivedrinkingis ahealthrisk.
- She isridingthefastesthorseand iscertaintoromphome.
- When oneenginestopped, we had toturnround andflyhome.
- a roof overyourheadidiom
- abode
- accommodation
- an Englishman's home is his castleidiom
- bolthole
- crib
- domestic
- domestically
- fold
- gaff
- habitation
- hangout
- harem
- non-home
- pad
- premises
- rabbit hutch
- residence
- residential
- roof
故国,故乡ShelovesFrance, but shemisseshome.她爱法国,但是她想念自己的国家。
Athome wecallthis "lardycake".在我们国家,这叫做猪油饼。
UKIwonderwhat they're doingback athome.我纳闷他们在国内做什么。
be/play at home
If asportsteamare/playat home, theyplayontheirownsportsfield.
在主场进行比赛- Theirperformancewas nothing to write home about.
- Thousands ofpeopleturnedout towelcometheEnglandteamhome.
- Istayedin Montreal for twoweeksthenflewhome.
- Theteamplayingat home had abigadvantage.
- Thediplomatshave beensenthome becausetheirembassyhasbecomeanestofspiesandespionage.
Countries, nationalities & continents: country & nation
- birthright citizenship
- body politic
- citizen
- coast
- countrywide
- cross-border
- domestic
- domestically
- dual
- dual citizen
- motherland
- non-domestic
- non-indigenous
- non-national
- noncitizen
- nuclear power
- statehood
- stateless
- superpower
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Competing in sport
We use the noun house to refer to a building:…Idioms
be/feel at home
home from home
makeyourselfat home
uk/həʊm/us/hoʊm/at or toyourhouseor theplacewhere youlive:
在家;回家,到家Don'tworry, I'llbehomesoon.别担心,我很快就回家了。
USI'msorry, he's not homerightnow.对不起他现在不在家。
mainlyUSThekidswere homealone.孩子们独自在家。
Shedecidedto give up andgohome.她决定放弃,回家了。
Hecamehome as thedawnwasbreaking.他破晓时回到家。
Josh wastiredso wetookhim home.乔西疲倦了,所我我们把他带回了家。
Itookhome acoupleofbookstoread.我带了一两本书回家看。
I'llbringeveryone home after theparty.晚会结束后我会把所有人都带回家。
When yougethome late you don'tfeellikecooking.当你回家晚时,就不想还要煮饭了。
Ihopeyoumade ithomesafelylastnight?我希望你昨晚回家时一路安全?
mainly USwomen whodecidetostayhome andcarefortheirchildren决定留在家里带孩子的妇女
in or to thecountryorareawhere you come from:
mainlyUSIwonderwhat they're doingbackhome.我纳闷他们在国内在做什么。
USBackhome wecallthisjelly.在家乡我们把这叫做果冻。
- a roof overyourheadidiom
- abode
- accommodation
- an Englishman's home is his castleidiom
- bolthole
- crib
- domestic
- domestically
- fold
- gaff
- habitation
- hangout
- harem
- non-home
- pad
- premises
- rabbit hutch
- residence
- residential
- roof
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Countries, nationalities & continents: country & nation
be home and dry
be home free
bringsomethinghome (tosomeone)
come home tosomeone
adjective[before noun]
uk/həʊm/us/hoʊm/homeadjective[before noun](RELATING TO HOME)
relatingto thehouse,flat, etc. where someonelives:
done at home, orintendedto be used at home:
a homecomputer家庭用计算机
my hometelephonenumber家庭电话号码
relatingtoyourfamilyoryourlifeat home:
家庭的,家庭生活的His homelifeisaffectinghiswork.他的家庭生活影响了他的工作。
studentswho have adifficulthomesituation家庭困难的学生
- a roof overyourheadidiom
- abode
- accommodation
- an Englishman's home is his castleidiom
- bolthole
- crib
- domestic
- domestically
- fold
- gaff
- habitation
- hangout
- harem
- non-home
- pad
- premises
- rabbit hutch
- residence
- residential
- roof
homeadjective[before noun](COUNTRY)
connectedwith or done inyourowncountry:
本国的Hisbookswere asuccessin his homecountry/market, butfailedtofindanaudienceabroad.他的书在本国市场很畅销,可在国外却没有什么读者。
Countries, nationalities & continents: country & nation
- birthright citizenship
- body politic
- citizen
- coast
- countrywide
- cross-border
- domestic
- domestically
- dual
- dual citizen
- motherland
- non-domestic
- non-indigenous
- non-national
- noncitizen
- nuclear power
- statehood
- stateless
- superpower
homeadjective[before noun](SPORTS)
relatingto theplacewhere ateamisbasedandplaysa lot ofitsgames:
在主场比赛的the hometeam/side主队/东道主
a homeground主场
a homematch/game主场比赛
UKthe homestrip(=clothingwornby ateamwhen theyplaya homematch)主场队服
homeadvantage(= theimprovedchanceofsuccessthatplayingat home gives to ateam)主场优势
Competitions, & parts of competitions
- be a game of two halvesidiom
- beauty contest
- beauty pageant
- benefit match
- competition
- debate
- head-to-head
- on your marks, get set, go!idiom
- peloton
- postgame
- postseason
- pre-meeting
- premiership
- pro-am
- quiz
- spelling bee
- starter
- the Champions League
- the Premier League
- under starter's ordersidiom