anareaoflandthat ishigherthan thesurroundingland:
小山,丘陵Hills are not as high asmountains.丘陵不像山脉那样高大。
Theirhouseis on thetopof a hill.他们的房子在小山顶上。
In thesummer, theshepherdsmovetheirsheepup intothehills(= anareawhere there are hills).夏天,牧羊人们把羊群赶到丘陵地带放牧。

Melanie Hobson/EyeEm/GettyImages
aslopein aroad:
(路的)斜坡That hill'sfartoosteeptocycleup.那个坡太陡了,自行车根本骑不上去。
the HillUS
CapitolHill(= the USlegislatureor theplacewhere itmeets)
(美国)国会山- It was alongclimbto thetopof the hill, but it wasworthit for theviewfrom thetop.
- Thecastleis set on asteephill.
- Thebicyclegatheredspeedas it went down the hill.
- When you'rewalkingin the hills theweathercanchangeveryquickly, so takesuitableclothing.
- We couldseealowrangeof hills in thedistance.
Geography: hills & mountains
- acclivity
- craggy
- esker
- highlands
- hillock
- landform
- Marilyn
- mesa
- mid-ocean ridge
- motte
- pinnacle
- precipitous
- scarp
- spur
- steep
- the Adirondack Mountains
- the Alaska Range
- the Alps
- the Andes
- volcano
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
International relations: United States politics & government
Ruling & governing
Places and locations
over the hill