hokey pokey
(alsohokey-pokey)uk/ˌhəʊ.ki ˈpəʊ.ki/us/ˌhoʊ.ki ˈpoʊ.ki/UKtrademark
abrandnamefor asweet,light, hardfoodthat can bebrokenintopiecesand is made fromsugar,goldensyrup, andbicarbonate ofsoda:
I wouldlovesome of thathomemadehokeypokey.我很想吃一些家里自制的蜂巢糖。
Shescoopedup ahandfulof hokey-pokey and put it in hermouth.她捧起一把蜂巢糖放进嘴里。

Alasdair Thomson/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
New Zealand English
蜂巢糖冰淇淋Hokeypokeyis New Zealand's mostpopularicecream.蜂巢糖冰淇淋是新西兰最受欢迎的冰淇淋。
- hokeypokeypiecesin adarkchocolateegg
- Who'seatenall thehokeypokey?
- I will be making awhitechocolateand hokey-pokey parfait.
- almond paste
- baking chocolate
- barley sugar
- bitter chocolate
- bittersweet chocolate
- comfit
- confectioner
- confectionery
- cooking chocolate
- cotton candy
- Jordan almond
- jujube
- Kendal mint cake
- licorice
- liquorice
- selection box
- semisweet chocolate
- sherbet
- spun sugar
- stick of rock
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Puddings, desserts & ices
the hokey pokey
US(UKthe hokey cokey)
apartydanceandsongin whichpeoplestandin acircleandshaketheirarmsandlegsone at atime:
呵吉啵吉舞(跳舞的人围成圆圈,边唱边舞动手臂和腿)Everyonestarteddoing thehokeypokey.大家都开始跳起了呵吉啵吉舞。
Dance the hokey-pokey, andletyourselflaughloudand often.跳起呵吉啵吉舞,让自己经常开怀大笑。
Dance & choreography
- arabesque
- backing dancer
- backspin
- backup dancer
- ballerina
- cut a rugidiom
- dabbing
- dance
- dance studio
- dancer
- morris dancer
- morris dancing
- mosh
- mosher
- non-dance
- terpsichorean
- throw shapesidiom
- tights
- tutu
- twerk