to take andkeepsomething inyourhandorarms:
握住,抓住Can you hold thebagwhile Iopenthedoor?我开门时你能帮我拿一下包吗?
He was holding agun.他当时正拿着一把枪。
The littlegirlheld her mother'shand.这个小女孩抓着妈妈的手。
He held herinhisarms.他把她抱在怀里。
[+ obj + adj]Could you hold thedooropen,please?你能扶住门让它一直开着吗?
Rosie heldoutanapplefor thehorse.罗西拿着一个苹果伸向那匹马。
All those whoagree,pleaseholdupyourhand(=raiseyourarm).同意的请举手。
to hold someone or something
- holdCan you hold this for a moment?
- claspHe reached out to clasp her hand.
- gripThe baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand.
- clutchSilent and pale, she clutched her mother's hand.
- clingOne little girl was clinging onto a cuddly toy.
- hang onThe child was hanging on to her mother's skirt.
支撑,承受Will theropebestrongenough to hold myweight?这根绳子禁得住我的重量吗?
Eachwheelis heldonwith fourbolts.每个轮胎都由4颗螺栓固定。
Thepartsare heldtogetherwithglue.这些部件是用胶粘在一起的。
hold hands
When twopeopleholdhands, onepersonholds the other person'shand,especiallyto show that theyloveeach other:
(尤指为了表示两人相爱)手拉着手Theywalkedalong holdinghands.他们手拉着手向前走。
- You have to hold myhandwhen wecrosstheroad.
- Polly and Susie were having asquabbleabout who was going to hold the dog'slead.
- Suddenly hedrewaknifeand held it to mythroat.
- Would youmindholding thedooropenfor me,please?
- Thescrewsthat hold thebedtogether hadloosened.
Having in your hands
- ahold
- arm
- chokehold
- clasp
- clench
- cling
- cup
- dandle
- grasp
- grip
- hand in handidiom
- handle
- hang
- hang on
- hang/hold on like grim deathidiom
- nurse
- onto
- purchase
- seize
- taken
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Showing affection
B1[Tnot continuous]
tocontainor beabletocontainsomething:
Onebagwon't hold all of theshopping- we'dbettertake two.买的这些东西一个袋子装不下——我们最好拿两个。
Computers can holdhugeamountsofinformation.计算机能存储海量的信息。
[Tnot continuous]
If you say that thefutureholds something, youmeanthat that thing willhappen:
(未来将要)发生Who cantellwhat thefutureholds?谁又能知道将来会发生什么事呢?
[Tnot continuous]
to have aparticularquality:
持有,拥有(某种特性)She's veryreligious, sodeathholds nofearfor her.她笃信宗教,所以死亡对她来说一点也不可怕。
- It used to holdpaperbags, butgraduallycame to be used formagazines.
- Thatvaseisn'tbigenough to hold all theseflowers.
- Will theroomhold a hundredpeople?
- Thecontainerheld agallonofsoup.
- Weknewthechestheld a lot ofgoldjewellery.
Including and containing
- absorptive capacity
- all in
- assimilable
- assimilate
- buildsomethingin/intosomething
- carry
- cast
- draw
- encompass
- enshrine
- extend
- factor
- factorsomethingin
- forget
- packsomethingin
- package
- pepper
- peppersomethingwithsomething
- plug(something/someone)intosomething
- reincorporate
to have something,especiallyapositionormoney, or tocontrolsomething:
拥有;担任;控制Hecurrentlyholds thepositionoftechnicalmanager.他目前担任技术经理的职务。
Despiteincurringheavylosses, therebelsnow hold thetownand thesurroundinghills.叛军尽管损失惨重,但现在控制了该镇及其周围的小山。
- He holds a 40percentstakein thecompany.
- Aschairmanof theassociation, he heldofficefor over 20years.
- She's held thepostfor 13years.
- He holds severalcompanydirectorships.
- Who holds thecopyrighton thisarticle?
Having and owning - general words
- acquire
- acquisition
- attach
- attachsomethingtosomething
- be endowed withsomethingidiom
- bear
- bearer
- carry
- holder
- lay
- lord/master/mistress/king/queen of allyousurveyidiom
- makesomething(all)yourownidiom
- mistress
- not/never want for anythingidiom
- revert
- revert tosomething
- shared ownership
- stakesomethingout
- survey
- they've
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Controlling and being in charge
to have aparticularpositionin acompetition:
在竞赛中保持(某个)位置She holds theworldrecord.她保持着世界纪录
They held theleaduntil the 89thminute.他们一直到第89分钟还保持领先。
Winning, losing & scoring in sport
- aet
- against the run of playidiom
- bag
- blowsomeoneaway
- close-run
- co-holder
- concede
- equalizer
- golden goal
- pull
- pull back
- reelsomethingoff
- relegation zone
- run away withsomeone
- score
- scorecard
- straight
- strike
- treble
- walk itidiom
tokeepsomething,especiallywhen it might have beenlost:
保持,保留Iaskedtheshopto hold thedressfor me until thisafternoon.我让那家商店帮我把那条长裙留到今天下午。
You have to be afairlygoodspeakerto hold an audience'sattention/interest.要想保持观众的注意力/兴趣,你得是一个相当出色的演讲者才行。
tokeepsomeone in aplaceso that they cannotleave:
拘留,扣押Thepoliceare holding severalpeopleincustody(= at thepolicestation)forquestioning.警方拘留了几个人进行讯问。
[+ obj + noun]Theterroristsheld himhostagefor 18months.恐怖分子将他扣为人质达18个月之久。
I was heldprisonerin atinyatticroom.我被囚禁在一间小阁楼里。
- Thehostagesare being held as abargainingchipbyterroristorganizations.
- The three men were heldhostagefor twodaysbymaskedgunmen.
- Hisverbalpyrotechnicscould hold anaudiencespellbound.
- Theterroristswere holding several Britishdiplomatscaptive.
- Thepoliceare holding severalpeopleincustodyforquestioning.
Keeping and storing things
- appropriate
- aside
- bank
- bogart
- capacitance
- capture
- cling
- dump
- keep(something/someone)back
- lay
- laysomethingaside
- laysomethingdown
- laysomethingin
- maintain
- stash
- stockpile
- stockpiling
- storage
- store
- trap
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Putting people in prison
Arresting & charging
holdverb(MAKE HAPPEN)
to have something such as ameetingor anelection:
使发生;举行(尤指会议或选举)Could we hold ameetingtodiscussthistomorrowafternoon?明天下午我们开会讨论这件事好吗?
Theelectionwill be held on 8August.选举将于8月8日举行。
Ifindit'salmostimpossibleto hold asensibleconversationwith her.我发现几乎不可能和她进行理智的谈话。
- Theyfrequentlyholdconferencesat thathotel.
- Dr Clark holds acliniconTuesdaymornings.
- They held adinnertocelebratehisretirement.
- Thepresidentheld anemergencymeetingtodiscussmilitarystrategywith hisdefencecommandersyesterday.
- Thedirectoris holdingauditionsnextweekfor themajorparts.
Causing things to happen
- -induced
- activate
- activation
- actuation
- agent
- attribute
- attributesomethingtosomeone
- implementation
- in
- inaugurate
- inauguration
- pioneer
- reactivate
- realization
- realize
- reattribute
- reawaken
- render
- spark
- spell
tocausetostayorcontinuein the same way as before:
Ihopetherepairholds until we get thecarto agarage.我希望这样修一下能让我们把车子开到修车厂。
Theoldadagethatmoneytalksstill holdstrue(= is stilltrue).那句古老的谚语“有钱能使鬼推磨”现在依然所言非虚。
Thegovernmentiscommittedto holdingexportsattheirpresentlevel.政府承诺继续保持现有的出口水平。
Continue & last
- (it's) business as usualidiom
- bash on
- carry(something)on
- cease
- cont.
- contd
- echo
- insist ondoing something
- jag
- keep atsomething
- keepsomeoneat itidiom
- leg
- push ahead
- push on
- run on
- runsomeone/somethingover
- seesomethingout
- soldier
- span
- spin
[Tnot continuous]
相信,确信Yousoldit to me, so if itbreaksI'll hold youresponsible(=consideryou toblame).是你把它卖给了我,所以如果坏了你得负责。
[+ to infinitive]formalalegaldecisionthat we holdtobeunconstitutional一个我们确信违宪的法律裁决
- He held mepersonallyresponsiblewheneveranything wentwrongin theproject.
- She was heldresponsiblefor theaccident.
- If he so much asharmsahairon herheadI won't be heldresponsiblefor myactions.
- Theleavesof theplantare held to havehealthbenefitswheneaten.
- Her earlyworkisgenerallyheld to be herbest.
- accept
- allegedly
- article of faith
- ascribesomethingtosomething
- ascription
- belief
- credit
- deluded
- evidently
- feel it inyourbonesidiom
- givesomeonethe benefit of the doubtidiom
- gospel
- recognize
- room for doubtidiom
- seesomethinginsomeone/something
- seeing is believingidiom
- self-deceit
- self-deceiving
- stock
- word
towait, or tostopsomethingtemporarily:
等待;暂时阻止,推迟They'vedecidedto hold allfuturedeliveriesuntil theinvoicehas beenpaid.他们决定,在对方付清发货清单上的货款之前,暂停所有未来的交货。
Howlongcan you holdyourbreath(=stopbreathing)?你憋气能憋多久?
Will you hold mycallsfor the nexthalfhourplease?半小时内请不要把电话转进来,好吗?
She's on thephoneat themoment- will you hold(theline)(=waiton thephoneuntil she canspeakto you)?她在打电话——你能等一会儿吗?
Delaying and wasting time
- ado
- busywork
- buy timeidiom
- carrysomethingover
- dally
- gridlock
- inefficiency
- inefficiently
- kick
- kicksomethinginto the long grassidiom
- kick the can down the roadidiom
- push
- retard
- retardation
- setsomeoneback(something)
- shelve
- sit
- sit onsomething
- spin
- stall
holdverb(NOT INCLUDE)
If youasksomeone to hold something, you do notwantthem toincludeit:
不包括,排除在外I'd like ahamsandwichonrye, hold thelettuce.我要一个黑麦面包的三明治,不要加生菜。
- acid-free
- apart
- aside
- bar
- barring
- clannish
- count
- discount
- exclusion
- exclusive
- exclusively
- exclusivity
- freezesomeoneout
- leavesomething/someoneoffsomething
- ostracize
- otherwise
- out of itidiom
- outlier
- overdiscount
- stand-alone
can't hold a candle to
can't holdyourdrink
can't hold your water
don't hold your breath
hold all the cards
hold court
hold down a job
hold everything!
hold the floor
hold (down) the fort
holdyourhead (up) high
hold it!
hold the key
hold your nose
hold on
hold the phone
hold the reins
hold the road
hold still
hold sway
hold that thought
hold true
hold water
there is no holdingsomeone(back)
Phrasal verbs
hold it/that againstsomeone
hold back
hold forth
hold off
hold on
hold ontosomeone/something
hold onto/on tosomething
hold out
hold out forsomething
hold out onsomeone
hold up
holdsomethingup assomething
not hold withsomething
theactof holding something or someone, or the way you do this:
握,拿,抓Keep atightholdonyourtickets.拿好你们的票。
Don'tworryif youloseholdofthereins- thehorsewon'twanderoff.如果缰绳脱手也不用担心——这匹马是不会乱跑的。
See also
toehold(IN ROCK)
catch/get/grab/take hold ofsomething/someone
tostartholding something or someone:
抓住He took hold of one end of thecarpetandtugged.他抓住地毯的一端用力拖。
I justmanagedtograbhold of Lucy before shefellin thepool.我刚好在露西要掉进水池时抓住了她。
to take something from someone
- takeHe offered her the microphone but she wouldn't take it.
- take hold ofGet ready to take hold of the baton as the next runner approaches.
- snatchHe snatched the letter out of my hands before I could read it.
- stealThe car was stolen from right outside our house.
- pinchA thief pinched his wallet and phone.
- seizeFederal agents seized two computers.
infightingsports, apositionin which onepersonholds anotherpersonso that they cannotmove
aplaceto put thehandsandfeet,especiallywhenclimbing
(攀爬时的)支撑点,手攀(或脚踩)的地方- Without saying a word, she took hold of myarmandmarchedme off to the headmaster'soffice.
- Sherelinquishedher hold on thesteeringwheel.
- He got hold of themoneylegally, withoutresorttoviolence.
- Hecaughthold of myarm.
- He took hold of the plant'srootandpulled.
Having in your hands
- ahold
- arm
- chokehold
- clasp
- clench
- cling
- cup
- dandle
- grasp
- grip
- hand in handidiom
- handle
- hang
- hang on
- hang/hold on like grim deathidiom
- nurse
- onto
- purchase
- seize
- taken
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Fighting sports
Mountaineering & rock climbing
powerorcontrolover something or someone:
权力,控制Theircompanyhas astrongholdon/overthecomputermarket.他们公司在计算机市场举足轻重。
Limiting and restricting
- anti-libertarian
- boundary
- boxsomeone/somethingin
- chain
- chainsomeonetosomething
- cramp
- crowd
- curb
- curtail
- curtailment
- damage limitation
- keep (herself) toherselfidiom
- limit
- limitation
- limiting
- localize
- straitjacket
- stunt
- tempered
- tiesomeonedown
on hold
If you are on hold when using thephone, you arewaitingtospeakto someone:
不挂断电话等着Mr Briggs is on hold.布里格斯先生正在电话那头等着呢。
He's on thephoneat the moment- can Iputyou on hold?他的电话占线——您不要挂断电话,等一会儿可以吗?
If anactivityis on hold, it has beenintentionallydelayed:
被推迟,被故意延迟Everything's on hold again because of thebadweather.因为天气恶劣,一切都再次推迟了。
Themoviehas beenputon hold until thefinancialsituationimproves.那部电影被推迟拍摄,直到财务状况有所好转为止。
Communications - by telephone
- 3G
- 4G
- 5G
- aeroplane mode
- airplane mode
- area code
- autodial
- dialling tone
- Directory Enquiries
- helpline
- off the hookidiom
- phone mast
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- pocket dial
- prank caller
- ring
- roam
- telecoms
- telephone
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Delaying and wasting time
thespacein ashiporaircraftin whichgoodsarecarried
(轮船或飞机的)货舱Parts of ships & boats
- abaft
- bilge water
- boathook
- boiler room
- bowline
- cleat
- cockpit
- couchette
- escape hatch
- keel
- paddle
- periscope
- propeller
- spar
- steerage
- stem
- sun deck
- superstructure
- topsail
- waterline
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Air travel: parts of aeroplanes
get hold of
no holds barred
take hold