honesty box
mainlyUKuk/ˈɒn.ə.sti ˌbɒks/us/ˈɑː.nə.sti ˌbɑːks/(USusuallyhonor box)acontainerinto whichpeopleareaskedto putmoneyaspaymentfor something, when there is no oneavailableto take thepayment:
Thegroundsareopento thepublic; inside thegateis anhonestyboxand amap.
Thestoreincludes"Honestyboxes" wherecustomerscanpayfornewspaperswithout having toqueue.
- Next to thecoffeemachineis anhonestyboxinto which we arerequestedto put 30p.
- Thegardensareopendailyallyearround from 9am untilsunset; anhonestyboxisprovidedforadmission(£2).
- We haveintroducedhonestyboxes, andpeoplewho use thehutsareaskedtopayasmallfee.
- I used tosellthe eggs—we didn't have apropershop; I justleftanhonestyboxforpeopleto put themoneyinto.
- Theyofferedfansan "honestybox"approachtotheirlastalbum,allowingafreedownloadinexchangefor afeechosenby the downloader.
Payment methods
- anti-kickback
- ATM card
- automatic withdrawal
- bad cheque
- baksheesh
- cashback
- chip
- commission
- legal tender
- liquefy
- liquid
- loyalty card
- non-cash
- non-monetary
- non-money
- non-paying
- out-of-pocket
- per calendar month
- whip-round