a set ofdecisionsabout how to do something in thefuture:
计划,方案a company'sbusinessplan公司的商业计划
a five-year plan五年计划
What areyourplansforthisweekend?这个周末你有什么计划?
[+ to infinitive]My plan istosellthehouseandbuyanapartment.我的计划是卖了这栋房子再买一间公寓。
an idea
- ideaI've got an idea - why don't we ask John for help?
- planThe plan is to hire a car when we get there.
- thoughtHave you had any thoughts on presents for your mother?
- suggestionHave you got any suggestions for improvements?
- brainwaveUKI wasn't sure what to do and then I had brainwave - I could ask Anna for help.
- brainstormUSShe was stuck until she had a brainstorm and the solution came to her.
go according to plan
tohappenin the way youintend:
按计划进行Events of thistyperarelygoaccordingto plan.这类事件很少按计划进行。
- Thegovernmentrecentlyannounceddetailsofitsplan tostreamlinethetaxationsystem.
- Sheexplainedher plan in a fewbriefsentences.
- The planentailsreroutingtrafficthrough atunneltocreateavastpedestrianareaaround Al-Azhar.
- Themanagementboardhas set outitsplans for the comingyear.
- We've had toforgetaboutourholidayplans because of David'saccident.
Plans and arrangements
- accommodation
- appointed
- arrangement
- arranger
- backstop
- blueprint
- done
- exit strategy
- formulation
- game plan
- have a card upyoursleeveidiom
- lock
- package deal
- party line
- planning
- policy-maker
- policy-making
- preparation
- programmatic
- walk-in
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Stock markets
adrawingof abuilding,town,area,vehicle,machine, etc. that onlyshowsitsshapefrom above,itssize, and thepositionofimportantdetails:
平面图,示意图astreetplan(= atypeofmapof atownshowingtheroads)街道平面图
aseatingplan(= adrawingthatshowswhere eachpersonwillsit)座位表

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drawingsfrom which something is made orbuilt:
设计图,详图Thearchitectshowedus thehouseplans that she haddrawnup.建筑师向我们展示了她画的住房图纸。
I'llsenda set of plansforthe newmachine.我会送去新机器的一套详图。
- architecturalplans
- The plans should bedrawnasaccuratelyaspossible,showingall themeasurements.
- Have youworkedout theseatingplan for theweddingreception?
- Theshadedareasof the plans show where thehouseswill bebuilt.
- Thedeveloperssubmittedbuildingplans to thecouncilforapproval.
- anti-modernism
- anti-modernist
- architect
- architectural
- architecturally
- brutalism
- brutalist
- built environment
- colonial
- defensive architecture
- Georgian
- golden ratio
- ground plan
- hostile architecture
- Italianate
- neoclassicism
- rococo
- Romanesque
- sympathetically
- vernacular
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Inventing, designing and innovation
B1[I+ adv/prep,T]
tothinkabout anddecidewhat you are going to do or how you are going to do something:
计划,规划;精心安排Shehelpedthem to plantheirroute.她帮助他们设计路线。
If we plancarefully, we should beabletostaywithinourbudget.如果我们精打细算,我们就可以不超支。
[+ question word]She's already planninghowtospendherprizemoney.她已经在计划如何花奖金了。
tointendto do something or that aneventorresultshouldhappen:
计划,打算Ourmeetingwasn't planned - it wascompletelyaccidental.我们的会面不是计划好的——纯属偶然。
[+ to infinitive]I'm not planningtostayhere muchlonger.我不打算在这里再呆很长时间。
[+ adv/prep]We only plannedforsixguests, but then someonebroughtafriend.我们仅做了6个客人来的准备,但有人带了一个朋友来。
- Do you plan toleaveLondon in thedistantfutureor the nearfuture?
- How do you plan tospendyourholiday?
- The fourbiggestbanksare all planning tocuttheirservicecharges.
- We're planning toturnthesmallestbedroominto anoffice.
- Theroutewe had planned took usrightacrossGreece.
Planning, expecting and arranging
- accidentally
- accidentally on purposeidiom
- advertent
- advisedly
- aim atsomething
- bargain
- I might have knownidiom
- I'll/we'll cross that bridge when I/we come/get to itidiom
- insomeone'scrosshairsidiom
- in the pipelineidiom
- in the worksidiom
- pencil
- provision
- purposefully
- purposely
- put the cart before the horseidiom
- puttheirheads togetheridiom
- rearrange
- settle
- sleeve
设计,规划Thepeoplewho planned these newtownshad avisionofcleanmodernhousingfor everyone.新城镇的设计者期望给每个人提供整洁的现代住宅。
Inventing, designing and innovation
- absorptive capacity
- architect
- artificer
- bionics
- blueprint
- customized
- design
- designer
- devise
- dreamsomethingup
- lead time
- modularization
- nanotechnology
- non-imitative
- operational research
- technologist
- technology
- themed
- think outside the boxidiom
- thinksomethingup
Phrasal verbs
plan on doingsomething
plan onsomeone/somethingdoingsomething