chest bump
uk/ˈtʃest ˌbʌmp/us/ˈtʃest ˌbʌmp/(alsochest-bump)anactionin which twopeoplejumpup andtouchtheircheststogether withforce,especiallyas ahumorousexpressionofadmirationfor each other
chest bump
uk/ˈtʃest ˌbʌmp/us/ˈtʃest ˌbʌmp/(alsochest-bump)When twopeoplechestbump, theyjumpup andtouchtheircheststogether withforce,especiallyas ahumorousexpressionofadmirationfor each other:
The tworunnerschestbumpedeach other at the end of therace.
Then he chest-bumpedwithhisfriend.
Thesightofurbanyouthschestbumpingduring "In the City" wasparticularlyhilarious.
Physical gestures of respect
- bow
- curtsy
- dap
- dapsomeoneup
- doff
- doffyourhat tosomeone/somethingidiom
- elbow bump
- fistbump
- genuflect
- handshake
- high five
- prostrate
- prostration
- salaam
- salute
- vail