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hooknoun[C](DEVICE)B2acurveddeviceused forcatchingorholdingthings,especiallyoneattachedto asurfaceforhangingthings on: 钩子,挂钩 acoat/picturehook挂衣钩/挂画的钩子 aboathook钩篙 afishhook鱼钩  coffeekai/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages - We'll have toscrewa hook into thewall.
- Could you put some hooks in thegardenshed, for us tohangthetoolson?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPins, clips, hooks & pegs - alligator clip
- banana clip
- barb
- binder clip
- bobby pin
- bodkin
- Bulldog Clip
- clip-on
- crocodile clip
- drawing pin
- fishhook
- hair claw
- hair slide
- needle
- peg
- pushpin
- safety pin
- staple
- thumbtack
- tuning peg
See more results » hooknoun[C](HIT)a way ofhittinginboxing,cricket, orgolf: (拳击的)勾拳;(板球或高尔夫球的)曲球aright/lefthook右/左勾拳 a hookshot勾手球 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFighting sports - aikido
- all-in wrestling
- arm-wrestling
- bantamweight
- black belt
- feint
- foil
- full nelson
- grappler
- gumshield
- half nelson
- outfight
- prizefight
- prizefighter
- pugilist
- pugilistic
- punchbag
- southpaw
- wrestle
- wrestling
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: hooknoun[C](SONG)arepeatedpartof asongorpieceofmusicthat isparticularlypleasingandeasytoremember: It has to be agreatsong, with agreathook,greatlyrics, and agreatmelody. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWords meaning parts of things - back end
- bifurcation
- biomarker
- cartridge
- cell
- chunk
- modularity
- modularized
- moiety
- multi-branched
- multi-component
- panel
- piece
- sub
- sub-sector
- subscale
- subscience
- subsection
- subsegment
- unit
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Idiomsby hook or by crook fall forsomethinghook, line, and sinker getyourhooks intosomeone/something off the hook hookverb(FASTEN)[T]tofastensomething with a hook,hangsomething on a hook, orcatchsomething with a hook: (用钩子)固定,挂,钩住 He hooked thetrailer(=joinedit with a hook)to hiscar.他把拖车挂在自己的汽车上。 How manysalmondid you hook(=catch)thisafternoon?今天下午你钓到了多少鲑鱼? She hooked theshoe(=liftedit with a hook)out of thewater.她用钩子将鞋钩出了水面。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesConnecting and combining - abut
- additive
- adjoin
- affix
- agglutinate
- aggregation
- desegregate
- desegregation
- dovetail
- eclectic
- eclectically
- hyphenate
- link(something)up
- linkage
- lumpsomeone/somethingtogether
- marriage
- marry
- weave
- weaving
- yoke
See more results » hookverb(HAVE SEX)[I]USinformalto havesexformoney 卖淫 Phrasal verbshook up hook (someone/something) up (tosomething) (Definition ofhookfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)hooknoun[C](DEVICE)B2acurveddeviceused forcatchingorholdingthings,especiallyoneattachedto asurfaceforhangingthings on 钩子,挂钩acoat/picturehook挂衣钩/挂画的钩子 aboathook钩篙 afishhook鱼钩 - We'll have toscrewa hook into thewall.
- Could you put some hooks in thegardenshed, for us tohangthetoolson?
hooknoun[C](HIT)a way ofhittinginboxing,cricket, orgolf (拳击的)勾拳;(板球或高尔夫球的)曲球aright/lefthook右/左勾拳 a hookshot勾手球 Idiomsby hook or by crook fall forsthhook, line, and sinker getyourhooks intosb/sth off the hook hookverb(FASTEN)[T]tofastensomething with a hook,hangsomething on a hook, orcatchsomething with a hook (用钩子)固定,挂,钩住He hooked thetrailer(=joinedit with a hook)to hiscar.他把拖车挂在自己的汽车上。 How manysalmondid you hook(=catch)thisafternoon?今天下午你钓到了多少鲑鱼? She hooked theshoe(=liftedit with a hook)out of thewater.她用钩子将鞋钩出了水面。 hookverb(HAVE SEX)[I]USinformalto havesexformoney 卖淫 Phrasal verbshook up hook (sb/sth) up (tosth) hook| American Dictionaryacurveddeviceused forcatchingholdof something or forhangingsomething on: Hangyourcoaton one of the hooks in thehall. I need tochangethe hook on myfishingline. to use something like a hook, or to put something so that it issupportedat one end andhangs: She hooked herarmthrough his. He hooked hiscaneover the back of thechair. To hookfishmeanstocatchthem on hooks: (Definition ofhookfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)MARKETINGsomething that is used toattractcustomers'attention, andencouragethem tobuyaproductorservice: Specialdealsonbestsellersare used as hooks tosellvolumesfrompublishers' backcatalogues. be on the hook (for sth/to do sth)USinformal toowemoneyor belegallyresponsiblefor something: The cleanupplancalled for thecompanies, which are on the hook for cleanupcosts, todredgecontaminatedsedimentsfrom theriver. If theinvestmentcompanyfails, they are on the hook topaytheloan. off the hook havingescapedfrom adifficultsituationorpunishment: be/get off the hookDon'tthinkyou're off the hook ontaxesjust because you werepaidincash. get/let sb off the hookTheministerwas lastnightunderfireforlettingthebigbanksoff the hook. MARKETINGtoattractsomeone'sattentionorencouragethem tobuyaproductorservice: Financial marketersknowthatmoney-offdealshookcustomersandkeepthemloyal. Oncepeoplehavetriedthisproduct, they will be hooked forlife. ITtoconnectamachineto apowersupply, or to anothermachine: hook sth to sthThehigh-speeddigitalconnectoris used to hook allkindsofdevicestoyourcomputer. Phrasal verbshook (sth) into sth hook up (with sb/sth) hook sb up (with sb/sth) hook (sth) up (Definition ofhookfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/hook## |