uk/ˈhuː.puː/us/ˈhuː.puː/an orange-pinkbirdfoundinAfrica,Asia, andEurope, with abeakthatcurvesdownwards, alargecrest(=feathersthatstandup onitshead)andblackandwhitewingsandtail:
戴胜(鸟)The hoopoe is a striking-lookingsongbirdwhosenameismeanttoimitateitsstrangewhoopingcall.戴胜是一种外形醒目的鸣禽,叫它这个名字是模仿它发出的奇怪高亢的鸣叫声。
Birdlife is underthreathere, but you can stillseehoopoes,doves, andwoodpeckers.鸟类在这里受到了威胁,但你仍然可以看到戴胜、鸽子和啄木鸟。

zahoor salmi/Moment/GettyImages
- Swallows and a hoopoeflewpast as Inearedthetopof therange.
- Visit the Algarve inautumntoseehoopoes,purplegallinules and azure-wingedmagpies.
- Birdwatchers at an Oxfordshirelakehavesightedthe hoopoe, abrightlycolouredbirdnormallyseenaround theMediterranean.
- With long-tailed hoopoeschatteringin thetrees, weclimbedahugetermitemound.
Other wild birds
- bird of paradise
- blackbird
- blue tit
- bluebird
- bluejay
- finch
- flycatcher
- goldfinch
- greenfinch
- honeyeater
- lyrebird
- macaw
- magpie
- martin
- mockingbird
- song thrush
- sparrow
- squab
- starling
- swift