informaluk/ˈhuː.ʒi.ər/us/ˈhuː.ʒi.ɚ/someone from the USstateof Indiana:
山地人(美国印第安纳州人的别称)I am a Hoosier - Igrewup there and went toschoolat Indiana University.我是个山地人——从小在那里长大,然后又进了印第安纳大学。
- Hoosiers have always had anindependentstreak.
- More nonresidents than Hoosiersappliedto Indiana University thisyear.
- This isgreatnewsfor all Hoosiers.
Towns & regions: named regions of countries
- Aberdeen City
- Aberdeenshire
- AK
- AL
- Alabama
- fife
- fl.
- Flintshire
- Florida
- Floridian
- MN
- Monmouthshire
- Montana
- Montanan
- Montgomeryshire
- Stirling
- Stirlingshire
- Strathclyde
- Suffolk
- the Sunbelt
informaluk/ˈhuː.ʒi.ər/us/ˈhuː.ʒi.ɚ/belongingorrelatingto the USstateof Indiana oritspeople:
山地人之州(印第安纳州)的;山地人的;He was atypicalHoosier man - a hardworkingfatherfigurewhocareddeeplyabout hisfamilyandcommunity.他是一个典型的山地人——一位努力工作的父亲,深切关心自己的家庭和社区。
- IndianapermitsarehonoredinneighboringMichigan and Kentucky, so Hoosiertravelerscancarryweapons.
- One in fourvehicleson Hoosierroadsis apickup.
- It was the firsttimea Hoosierswimmerhadbrokentheworldrecord.
Towns & regions: named regions of countries
- Aberdeen City
- Aberdeenshire
- AK
- AL
- Alabama
- fife
- fl.
- Flintshire
- Florida
- Floridian
- MN
- Monmouthshire
- Montana
- Montanan
- Montgomeryshire
- Stirling
- Stirlingshire
- Strathclyde
- Suffolk
- the Sunbelt