iced tea
uk/ˌaɪst ˈtiː/us/ˌaɪst ˈtiː/(alsoice tea,uk/ˌaɪs ˈtiː/us/ˌaɪs ˈtiː/)teathat isservedcold, sometimes withice, or aglassof thisdrink:
冰茶,加冰块的茶Let mepouryou someicedtea.我给你倒一些冰茶吧。
Can I have anicedtea,please?请给我一杯冰茶好吗?

Katya_Bratova/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
coldteawith asweetflavoursuch aspeachorlemonaddedandsoldincansorbottles, or aglass, can, orbottleof thisdrink:
I'll have twocansofsodaand anicedtea,please.请给我两罐苏打水和一罐冰茶。
- Iorderedanicedtea.
- Apitcheroficedteastoodin themiddleof thetable.
- In Michiganpeoplethinkthat puttingsugarinicedteais thenastiestthing that they haveeverheardof.
Soft drinks
- apple juice
- Arnold Palmer
- barley water
- bitter lemon
- boba
- boba tea
- cream soda
- dalgona coffee
- egg cream
- energy drink
- fizz
- frappé
- milkshake
- near beer
- non-alcoholic
- noncola
- OJ
- slimline
- soda fountain
- soft drink