(alsore-sentence)uk/ˌriːˈsen.təns/usin acourtoflaw, todecideon a newsentencefor someone who has beenfoundguiltyof acrime:
He was resentencedtodeathby a newjurytwoyearslater.
The mostseriousyoungoffendersarehelduntil theyturn18, and are then re-sentenced asadults.
- Theyremainedondeathrowaftertheirconvictionswereoverturned, but werelaterresentenced tolifeinprison.
- Hissentencewasgrosslydisproportionateto hiscrimes, and so thestatemust either resentence orreleasehim.
- Based onkeylegalmistakeswhichaffectedthe jury'sdecision, theaccusedshould be re-tried or re-sentenced.
Judges & juries
- beak
- challenge
- chief justice
- court of inquiry
- dismiss
- empanel
- foreman
- instruct
- judge
- jurist
- juror
- jury service
- justice
- Justice of the Peace
- rule
- setsomethingaside
- sheriff
- sum
- sum(something/someone)up
- worship