(alsoselfaccusing)uk/ˌself.əˈkjuː.zɪŋ/us/ˌself.əˈkjuː.zɪŋ/(alsoself-accusatory,selfaccusatory)accusingyourself of doing or having done somethingwrong:
Hetriedtobanishmournful, self-accusingthoughtsandconcentrateon thepresent.
Thetoneof thesonnetsis oftencynical, self-accusatory, and self-mocking.
- Theolderman'sperformanceis byturnsbaffled, self-accusing,sly,needy, andtouchinglytender.
- A self-accusinginterpretationofbasiclifeeventsistypicalof those withdisadvantageddevelopment.
- What Ifeltwas notgriefitself, but anagging,self-pitying, self-accusingemotionbornof theguiltat notfeelinggrief.
Blaming & accusing
- a bad workman blames his toolsidiom
- accusatory
- accuser
- accusingly
- allegedly
- attribution
- blame
- denunciation
- finger
- impeach
- incriminate
- indict
- lay
- laysomethingatsomeone'sdooridiom
- levelsomethingagainst/atsomeone
- lightning conductor
- McCarthyite
- misattribute
- nail
- sacrificial lamb