uk/ʃɒt/us/ʃɑːt/past simple and past participle ofshoot
- automatic
- blaster
- cannon
- cannonade
- cannonball
- cock
- go off
- gunnery
- gunpoint
- gunsmith
- kick
- machine gun
- plug
- pot
- shoot
- shootsomethingdown
- shoot up
- shooter
- sniper
- sniping
akick,hit, orthrowof theballthat isintendedtoscorepointsin asportsuch ascricket,football,tennis, orgolf:
(板球、足球、网球或高尔夫球中旨在得分的)攻击,击打And that was agreatshot by Márquez!那是马科斯击出的精彩好球!
Murraydroveaforehandshot down thelinetowinthematch.穆雷一记正手击球落在界内,赢得了比赛。
- Hescoredwith acrackingshot into the back of thegoal.
- Thecrowdcheeredas thegoalkeeperdeflectedthe shot.
- Hisangledshotbeatthegoalkeeperfrom 20yards.
- Hefeinteda shot to theleft.
- Vilasmisdirectedthe shot, and theballwent over thenet.
General terms used in ball sports
- aggregate score
- assist
- back pass
- backspin
- ballplayer
- bend
- defend
- hat trick
- in boundsidiom
- inbounds pass
- indirect free kick
- kicker
- laysomeoneoff
- loft
- penalty
- smash-mouth
- spot kick
- square ball
- timeout
- underhand
theactionoffiringagunor anotherweapon:
发射;射击;开枪;开火Hefiredfour shots at thecaras itdroveoff.车驶离时,他向其连开4枪。
a good/poor shot
someone who isskilled/notskilledataimingandfiringagun
枪法好/差的枪手- Hefiredsix shots at thetarget.
- Theyfiredoff several shots tofrightenus.
- Do youmindif I have a fewpracticeshots before westartthegame?
- I had four shots but I didn'tevenhitthetarget.
- Thepolicefiredwarningshots but theprotesterstook nonotice.
- automatic
- blaster
- cannon
- cannonade
- cannonball
- cock
- go off
- gunnery
- gunpoint
- gunsmith
- kick
- machine gun
- plug
- pot
- shoot
- shootsomethingdown
- shoot up
- shooter
- sniper
- sniping
[Cusually singular]informal
anattemptto do orachievesomething that you have not done before:
尝试;努力IthoughtI'dhavea shotatmaking my ownwine.我想尝试自己酿造葡萄酒。
I've nevertriedbowlingbefore, but IthoughtI'dgiveit a shot.我之前从未打过保龄球,不过我想试一下。
- Hedecidedto have a shot atbuildinghis ownhouse.
- You can'topenthelock? Let me have a shot at it.
Effort and expending energy
- assiduity
- assiduous
- assiduously
- assiduousness
- be running on emptyidiom
- blood
- burn
- elbow grease
- fight
- hamster wheel
- hard at itidiom
- heavy lifting
- heroically
- kill
- push
- putsomethingin/putsomethingintosomething
- rearguard action
- set/putyourmind tosomethingidiom
- slog
- slugger
照片Igot/tooksome really good shots of theharbouratsunset.我拍了一些夕阳下的海港景色,真的很漂亮。
ashortpiecein afilmin which there is asingleactionor ashortseriesofactions
(电影中的)镜头,片段- Themovieopenswith adreamyshot of asunset.
- Themovieopenswith a shot of aclimberdanglingfrom aprecipice.
- Themovieendswith alongtrackingshot around thedesertedhouse.
- I got awonderfulshot of thekidson theboat.
- I've taken some of mybestshots with thiscamera.
- airbrush
- analogue
- aperture
- bokeh
- camera
- camera obscura
- expose
- glossy
- high-resolution
- hologram
- holographic
- holography
- kinetoscope
- pap
- pic
- picture
- PillCam
- pin-up
- pinhole camera
- projection
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cinema - general words
asmallamountof astrongalcoholicdrink:
a shotofwhisky少量的威士忌
They were at thebardoingshots(=drinkingmanysmall,strongalcoholicdrinks).
asmallamountof anon-alcoholicdrinkwith astrongtasteoreffect:
Hedowneda shot ofespresso.
I like mycoffeewith a shot ofvanilla.
You can makeyourownhealthyorangeandturmericshots.
Alcohol - general words
- alcoholic
- alcopop
- Angostura
- aperitif
- bevvy
- booze
- intoxicant
- juice
- kick
- libation
- liquid lunch
- liquor
- pre-drink
- pre-drinking
- predrinks
- pregaming
- preload
- specific gravity
- tot
- usual
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Spirits & distilling
Soft drinks
aninjection(= theactof putting adrugorvaccineinto someone'sbodywith aneedle), or anamountof thedrugorvaccineput into thebodyby asingleinjection:
It'simportantto getregularflushots.
Thedoctorgavehim a shot ofmorphine.医生给他注射了一剂吗啡。
Medicines & drugs: administering drugs & medicines
- anaesthesiology
- anaesthetize
- auto-injector
- blood doping
- bolus
- dispense
- inject
- knock
- knocksomeoneout
- lethal injection
- medicated
- microdose
- microdosing
- prescribe
- putsomethingon
- reinject
- reinjection
- sedate
- sedation
- self-medicate
shotnoun(METAL BALL)
aheavymetalballthrownin asportscompetition
shot put

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amassofsmallmetalballsthat are shot from agun:
- athletic
- biathlon
- blade
- dash
- endurance
- faller
- finish line
- fun run
- high jumper
- hurdle
- javelin
- obstacle course
- pentathlon
- starter
- triple jump
- triple jumper
- ultra
- ultra-runner
- ultra-running
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Bullets & cartridges
a shot in the arm
a shot in the dark
givesomethingyour best shot
like a shot
(ofsilk) havingsmallthreadsof acolourin it, so that themaincolourappearstochangedependingon theangleat which theclothisseen:
(丝绸)闪色的,颜色随着观看角度闪变的Hereveningdressis made ofgreenshotsilk.她的晚礼服是用绿色闪色绸做的。
Textiles: describing words
- billowy
- bonded
- breathable
- brushed
- clingy
- fleecy
- floaty
- fluted
- gauzy
- handknit
- moire
- mothproof
- quilting
- ruched
- shag
- water-repellent
- waterproof
- weatherproof
- woollen
- woolly
用坏的,失效的It's no good - thesegearsare shot.没用了——这些齿轮已经磨坏了。
Machines - not functioning
- act
- break
- brokenness
- brownout
- burn out
- conk
- conk out
- cut
- cutsomethingout
- DDoS
- dead
- defective
- dysfunction
- fritz
- idle
- incapacitate
- shudder to a haltidiom
- shutdown
- stall
- temperamentally
get/be shot ofsomethingUKinformal
to getridof orfreeof something, or toleavesomething:
摆脱;除去;离开I can'twaitto get shot of thisofficefor aweek.我迫不急待地要离开这间办公室一周的时间。
Isuspecthelefthometo get shot of thatawfulmotherof his.我猜测他离开家是为了摆脱他那位不可理喻的母亲。
Removing and getting rid of things
- abandonment
- banish
- be scattered to the four windsidiom
- bin
- castsomeone/somethingaside/away/off
- dumping
- eradication
- erasure
- evacuate
- evacuation
- exorcism
- fling
- leach
- scrape
- shedding
- shoo
- shrug
- shrugsomethingoff
- shuck
- sling
be shot through withsomething