uk/ˈʃəʊl.dər/us/ˈʃoʊl.dɚ/shouldernoun(BODY PART)
one of the twopartsof thebodyat eachsideof theneckthatjointhearmsto therestof thebody:
肩,肩膀,肩部Irestedmyheadon her shoulder.我把头靠在她的肩上。
Then she put herarmaround my shoulder and gave me akiss.接着她用胳膊搂住我的肩,给了我一个吻。
Sheglancednervouslyoverher shoulder to makesureno oneelsewaslistening.她不安地回头扫了一眼,以确认没有人在听。

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thetoppartof a person's back:
双肩;上背部He was about sixfeettallwithbroadshoulders.他大约6英尺高,双肩宽阔。
"I don'tknowwhat to do about it," said Martha,shruggingher shoulders.“我不知道该如何处理这件事,”玛莎耸耸肩说道。

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thepartsof apieceofclothingthatcoverthe wearer's shoulders:
(衣服的)肩部The shoulderslooka littletight. Do youwanttotryalargersize?肩部看上去有点儿紧。你想试试尺寸大些的吗?

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thepartof abottlethatcurvesout belowitsopening
瓶肩(瓶颈下面扩大的部分)- He gave me afriendlyclapon the shoulder and said, "Well done!"
- Thebulletwentcleanthrough his shoulder.
- Shecriedout inpainas thebulletgrazedher shoulder.
- She gave him aplayfulcuffon the shoulder.
- Thisexerciseisdesignedtodevelopthe shoulder and backmuscles.
The human torso
- -bellied
- -chested
- abs
- axilla
- bread basket
- breast
- chest
- coeliac
- diaphragm
- flank
- groin
- pot
- six-pack
- spare tyre
- thoracic
- thorax
- umbilicus
- visceral muscle
- waisted
- waistline
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Parts of clothes
Containers for liquids and gases
used to refer to theresponsibilitythat someone has orfeelsfor something:
(责任在)…的肩上,…承担Ahugeburdenwasliftedfrom my shoulders(= Ibecamemuch lessworried)when I told myparentsabout myproblem.我把自己的问题告诉父母后,感到如释重负。
Responsibility for thedisputerestssquarelyonthe shoulders of thepresident.调解争端的责任完全落在了总统的肩上。
Duty, obligation and responsibility
- accountable
- answer forsomething
- answerable
- baby
- brother
- domain
- fail
- fiefdom
- gotta
- had better/best dosomethingidiom
- hat
- havesomethingonyourhandsidiom
- pass the buckidiom
- payyourduesidiom
- pigeon
- portfolio
- purview
- remit
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- stick
apieceofmeatthatincludestheupperpartof an animal'sfrontleg:
(动物身上包括前腿上半部的)肩肘肉,前腿肉I'veboughta shoulder oflambforSundaylunch.我买了块羊肩肘肉,用来做星期天的午餐。
Cuts of meat
- baby back ribs
- baron of beef
- bavette
- boneless
- bottom round
- entrecôte
- escalope
- filet
- fillet
- fillet steak
- hock
- medallion
- nugget
- oxtail
- oyster
- porterhouse
- rasher
- rib
- rib-eye steak
- top round
shouldernoun(ROAD SIDE)
[Cusually singular]US
anareaalong thesideof amainroadwherecarscanstop:
路肩,(大路两侧的)紧急停车道There weretiretracksleftin thesoftshoulder(=areaofdirtorgrassby theroad).在软路肩上有轮胎印子。
See also
hard shoulder

possum1961/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Roads: motorways
- access road
- artery
- autobahn
- carriageway
- clearway
- contraflow
- freeway
- hard shoulder
- highway
- interstate
- motorway
- off-ramp
- pike
- ramp
- route
- slip road
- superhighway
- toll plaza
- toll road
- turnpike
a shoulder to cry on
shoulder to shoulder
stand shoulder to shoulder withsomeone
uk/ˈʃəʊl.dər/us/ˈʃoʊl.dɚ/shoulderverb(ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY)
shoulder the blame, burden, responsibility, cost, etc.
toacceptthat you areresponsiblefor somethingbadordifficult:
承受谴责/承受重负/承担职责/承担费用(等等)It is women whomainlyshoulderresponsibilityfor thecareofelderlyanddisabledrelatives.承担照顾老人和残疾亲属责任的主要都是女人。
Teachers cannot beexpectedto shoulder all theblameforpoorexamresults.考试成绩不理想,责任不能全部归到老师身上。
Accepting & agreeing reluctantly
- accede tosomething
- acceptance
- acquiescence
- be resigned tosomethingidiom
- bend tosomething
- bow
- bow down tosomeone
- cave in
- concede
- crack
- like it or lump itidiom
- peace
- resignyourselftosomething
- resignation
- resigned
- resignedly
- resort tosomething
- settle forsomething
- tolerate
- tradesomethingoff
shoulderverb(BODY PART)
to put something onyourshoulders tocarryit:
用肩扛Shouldering herpack, shestrodeoff up theroad.她背起背包,大步上路。
[T+ adv/prep]
topushsomething with one ofyourshoulders:
用肩推,用肩顶She wascarryingtwosuitcasesand had to shoulder thedooropen.她手提着两个箱子,不得不用肩把门顶开。
He shouldered hisway(=formeda way through bypushingwith his shoulders)to thefrontof thecrowdto get abetterlook.他用肩膀开路挤到人群前面,以便看得更清楚。
Transferring and transporting objects
- bear
- bearer
- bike
- bike rack
- bore
- borne
- bring
- budge
- bus
- call forsomeone
- chauffeur
- convey
- portage
- post-delivery
- putsomething/someonedown
- redeliver
- redelivery
- transplant
- transport
- transportation
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Pushing and shoving