uk/ˈʃɪə.rɪŋ/us/ˈʃɪr.ɪŋ/theactivityofcuttingthewooloff asheep:
剪毛Sheep shearing is atraditionalskill.剪羊毛是一项传统技艺。

Jonathan Austin Daniels/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
theprocessofcuttingthehairon a person'sheadcloseto theskin:
(贴着头皮)剪发thepunitiveshearing ofconvicts对罪犯的惩罚性削发。
theprocessofcuttingorbreakingsomething so thatpartof itbecomesseparate:
If the shearing ofolfactorynervesiscomplete, there is little thatdoctorscan do tohelp.
- Thecostof shearingrightnow is about twodollarspersheep.
- There will befarmingdemonstrationssuch assheepshearing andhorseshoeing.
- In the 18thcenturyaristocraticwomen had a post-pregnancy shearing to maketheirhairgrowbackthicker.
- Newborns cansufferbrainhaemorrhagedueto shearing ofcerebralbloodvessels.
Cutting and stabbing
- abrasion
- bayonet
- butcher
- carve
- carving
- chisel
- chop
- impaler
- incise
- julienne
- lacerate
- lacerated
- shave
- sheep shearing
- slash
- sliced
- slit
- snip
- spike
- transect
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Animal farming - general words
Tearing and breaking into pieces
Separating and dividing