Canadian Englishuk/ˈhjuː.mɪ.deks/us/ˈhjuː.mɪ.deks/ameasurementof howhottheairfeelsand howuncomfortablepeoplearelikelyto bebasedon thetemperaturecombinedwith thehumidity(= theamountofwaterin theair):
湿热指数Theweatherhas beenhorrible, withtemperaturesapproaching34 C and the humidex making itfeellike it's over 40 Coutside.天气一直很糟糕,气温接近34摄氏度,而湿热指数却让人感觉室外温度超过了40摄氏度。
heat index
- Today we have a humidexsomewherenear 40degreeswhich makes everything,includingus,feelsortof likelimplettuce.
- Thecurrentformulafordeterminingthe humidex wasdevelopedby Masterton and Richardson in 1979.
- There's nothing Ihatemore thanwakingup at 8am andhearingthat the humidex is already through theroof.
- A humidex of 30 to 39 willmeansomediscomfort.
Sultriness & humidity
- claggy
- dehumidify
- heat index
- humid
- humidify
- humidity
- muggy
- relative humidity
- sticky
- subtropical
- sultriness
- sultry
- tropical