phone mast
UKuk/ˈfəʊn ˌmɑːst/us/ˈfoʊn ˌmæst/(alsomobile phone mast,UScell tower)atallstructurewithdevicesforsendingandreceivingmobilephonesignals:
手机天线塔,手机信号塔Phonemaststowerabovecitiessuch as Cape Town and Cairo.手机信号塔高耸在开普敦和开罗等城市的上空。
Thousands ofhighlycontroversialnewmobilephonemastsare to beerectedthroughoutEnglandandWales.成千上万新手机信号塔将在英格兰和威尔士各地竖立起来,这引起了很大争议。

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- There is nodefinitiveevidencethatlivingnear aphonemasthas anyeffectonhealth.
- Crossthisroadandheadalong astonytracktowards themobilephonemast.
- Thevulnerabilityofcommunicationsneededto betackledafter amobilephonemastand TVtransmitterblewdown.
Communications - by telephone
- 3G
- 4G
- 5G
- aeroplane mode
- airplane mode
- area code
- autodial
- dialling tone
- helpline
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- pocket dial
- prank caller
- prepay
- ring
- roam
- telecoms
- telephone
- transfer
- wake-up call