thequalityof beingimportant:
重要性Thehealthreportstressesthe importanceoffreshfoodin adiet.健康报告强调了饮食中新鲜食物的重要性。
Sheattachesa lot of importancetopersonalpossessions.她非常重视个人财产。
- I'd just like tostressthe importance ofneatnessandpolitenessin thisjob.
- It's acountrywhichplacesgreatimportance oneducation.
- Will youphoneme back - it's amatterof some importance.
- I don'tattachany importance to theserumours.
- Herhealthis whatmatters- thecostof thetreatmentis ofsecondaryimportance.
Importance - general words
- centre of gravity
- cornerstone
- criticality
- focus
- grandness
- gravitas
- pertinence
- pre-eminence
- precedence
- proportion
- salience
- seniority
- seriousness
- status
- transcendence
- urgency
- value
- weight
- weightage
- worth