hostess trolley
UKuk/ˈhəʊ.stes ˌtrɒl.i/us/ˈhoʊ.stɪs ˌtrɑː.li/asmallcupboardortableonwheels, with aheatedpartwherefoodcan bekeptwarmuntil it isreadyto beserved:
女招待推车,上菜推车Thevegetablescan bekeptwarmin thehostesstrolley.这些蔬菜可以放在上菜推车里保温。
Theplatewarmerdraweris themoderntake on thehostesstrolley.暖碟抽屉是上菜推车上的现代部件。

Science & Society Picture Library/SSPL/GettyImages
- He should havecookedit at the lastmomentbeforeservingratherthantryingtokeepitwarmon ahostesstrolleyfor 20minutes.
- Reluctantly I mustconcedethat Pam'shostesstrolleycame intoitsown lastSaturday.
- Trolleys were such anintegralpartofrestaurantservicethataspirationalfolkyearnedto have one athome, and so thehostesstrolleywasborn.
Furniture & fittings - general words
- appointed
- bamboo
- built-in
- caning
- castor
- fitment
- fitted
- fitting
- fixture
- flatpack
- foldable
- homeware
- ionizer
- overequipped
- pullout
- radiogram
- self-assembly
- space-saving
- sprung
- sunshade