hot mic
(alsohot mike)uk/ˈhɒt ˌmaɪk/us/ˈhɑːt ˌmaɪk/amicrophone(= adeviceyouspeakinto to makeyourvoicelouderor torecordyourvoice)that isswitchedon,especiallywithout thespeakerrealizing:
无意打开的话筒,热麦He wascaughtonhotmiccriticizingamemberof thepublic.无意打开的话筒录到了他批评一名公众成员的言论。
Ahotmikepickedup hisboastthat he wouldwin.无意打开的话筒录到他吹嘘自己会赢。
- Thecandidatewasheardonhotmicjokingwith hisrivalabout hisarmgesturesatdebate.
- Ahotmicpickedup theunmistakablesoundofgigglesas thenewsnetworkabruptlycutaway from the president'sspeech.
- Theirconversationwaspickedup by somehotmikes.
Amplifiers, microphones & speakers
- amp
- balance
- bass
- bullhorn
- earphone
- electrophone
- headphone
- headphones
- headset
- loudhailer
- loudspeaker
- megaphone
- mic
- microphone
- mike
- mike check
- mikesomeoneup
- pa
- public address system
- Tannoy
hot mic
adjective[before noun]
(alsohot-mic,hot-mike)uk/ˈhɒt ˌmaɪk/us/ˈhɑːt ˌmaɪk/recordedon amicrophonethat isswitchedon,especiallywithout thespeakerrealizing, orrelatingtocommentsorconversationsheardin this way:
被无意打开的话筒录到的,热麦的HecriticizedhisfellowSenator for hishotmicremarks.他对同僚参议员的热麦言论提出批评。
Hot-mikeaudiocaughtatenseexchangebetween the two.热麦音频捕捉到两人之间剑拔弩张的对话。
- The premier's hot-miccommentscausedconsternationin Canada.
- Hotmicmomentshaveheapedembarrassmentonpoliticiansacrosstheglobe.
- Heapologizedfor anyhurtorharmhis hot-mikeconversationmight havecaused.
Amplifiers, microphones & speakers
- amp
- balance
- bass
- bullhorn
- earphone
- electrophone
- headphone
- headphones
- headset
- loudhailer
- loudspeaker
- megaphone
- mic
- microphone
- mike
- mike check
- mikesomeoneup
- pa
- public address system
- Tannoy