aperiodof 60minutes:
小时Theexamlastedan hour and ahalf.考试持续了一个半小时。
There are 24 hours in aday.1天有24小时。
How many hours'sleepdo you need?你需要睡多少个小时?
I'll be back in an hour's/two hours'time(= after one/two hours).我会在一小时/两小时之后回来。
Myhometownis an hour from Houston/an hour away(= ittakesan hour totravelthere).我家乡离休斯顿有一小时的路程。
He getspaidby thehour(= gets aparticularamountofmoneyfor each hour heworks).他拿的是按小时计酬的工资。
Trainsleaveeveryhouron thehour(= atexactlyone o'clock, two o'clock, etc.).火车每小时整点发车。
Busesleaveat tenminutespast/tothehour(= at ten past/to one o'clock, two o'clock, etc.).公共汽车每整点过10分/差10分发一班车。
formalWar wasdeclaredat eighteen hundred hours/18.00 hours(= at six o'clock in theevening).宣战时间是晚上6点。
[Cusually plural]
theperiodoftimewhen aparticularactivityhappensor when ashoporpublicbuildingisopen:
Ouropeninghours are from 8.00 to 6.00.我们的开放时间是8点到6点。
aparticulartimeduring thedayornight:
(白天或夜里的)某个时间,某个时刻Who could becallingus at thisunearthly/ungodlyhour(= so late atnight)?谁会在夜里这么晚给我们打电话?
Hereturnedinthe early/smallhours(= atnight, aftermidnight).他凌晨才回来。
work long, regular, unsocial, etc. hours
used todescribehow many hours in thedayyouworkor whatpartof thedayyouwork:
长时间工作/工作时间规律/在其他人不上班的时间工作(等等)She's anurseso she oftenworksunsocialhours.她是名护士,所以经常要上早班、值夜班。
He'spaidwell but heworkslonghours.他薪水很高,可是工作时间也很长。
I wasworkingerratichours as anon-calldoctor.
Investigatorsworkedlonghourssiftingthroughfilesand otherintelligence.
I can'thostthemeetingeveryweekbecause Iworkirregularhours.
for hours (and hours)B1informal
for a verylongtime:
很长时间Iwaitedfor him for hours.我等了他很长时间。
Istayedbehind for hoursclearingup alltheirmess.
Wemetin arestaurantandtalkedfor hours and hours.
Thesebuildingblockswillentertainyourkidsfor hours.
I'd beensweatingover ahotstovefor hours toproducethatmeal.
at all hours (of the day and night)C1disapproving
repeatedlyduring thedayand thenight:
整天不断地;昼夜不停地Theykeepcallingme at all hours (of thedayandnight).他们整天不停地给我打电话。
People go to themosqueat all hours forprayersandcompanionship.
They werehappytoreceiveguestsat all hours of thedayandnight.
Wenoticedcarscoming at going at all hours.
Thehousewasoccupiedbystudents, who came and went at all hours.
- Shewalksthedogfor an hour everyafternoon.
- Thetripfrom York to Newcastletakesabout an hour bytrain.
- We had toqueuefor three hours to get in.
- All the newtoyskeptthekidsoccupiedfor hours.
- As ateacheryou couldexpectto bepaidanywherebetween £7 and £15perhour.
Specific periods of time
- Anthropocene
- around-the-clock
- British Summer Time
- calendar month
- Cretaceous
- hr
- Jurassic
- lunar month
- Mesozoic
- microsecond
- Oligocene
- Ordovician
- Palaeocene
- Palaeogene
- Permian
- Precambrian
- wk
- year
- year-long
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Days & times of day
Points in time
Working hours
Continue & last
Continually & repeatedly
after hours
hour after hour
yourhour has come
(from) hour to hour
insomeone'shour of need
out of hours
until all hours