abuildingthatpeople, usually onefamily,livein:
tobuy/renta house买/租房子
Shelivesin a little housein(USon)CrossStreet.她住在十字街上的一所小房子里。
See also

Kenneth Batelman/Ikon Images/GettyImages
[Cusually singular]
all thepeoplelivingin a house:
住在一所房子里的人;全家人Try not towakethewholehouse when you come in!你进来的时候不要把全家人都吵醒!
动物的笼舍themonkey/lionhouse at thezoo动物园里猴子/狮子的笼舍
- Itcostsa lot tobuya house in thispartof London.
- I'mworriedaboutleavinghimalonein the house allday.
- She had to berescuedby herneighbourswhen her housecaughtfire.
- It's atypicalcountryestatewith alargehouse for theowner,farmbuildingsandestateworkers' houses.
- Would you like to come round to my house afterschool?
Houses & homes
- A-frame
- almshouse
- apartment
- apartment building
- door
- dorm
- dormitory
- dosshouse
- duplex
- multifamily
- Nissen hut
- non-housing
- old people's home
- palace
- tipi
- tollhouse
- tower block
- town house
- townhouse
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Groups of people
Animal dwellings - natural
abuildingorpartof abuildingthat is used for aspecialpurpose:
(有特定用途的)大楼,大厦the Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院
Broadcasting House广播电台大楼
Houses & homes
- A-frame
- almshouse
- apartment
- apartment building
- door
- dorm
- dormitory
- dosshouse
- duplex
- multifamily
- Nissen hut
- non-housing
- old people's home
- palace
- tipi
- tollhouse
- tower block
- town house
- townhouse
acompanythat isinvolvedin aparticularareaofbusiness:
UKacurryhouse(= aSouthAsianrestaurant)咖喱屋(或餐厅)
- acquiree
- acquirer
- acquiror
- agency
- agribusiness
- answering service
- citadel
- consortium
- fintech
- firm
- franchise
- franchisee
- franchiser
- multinational
- organizational
- packer
- parent company
- partner up
- partnership
- plc
[U](alsohouse music)
populardancemusicwith afastregularbeat, usuallyproducedonelectronicequipment:
豪斯音乐,货仓音乐(电子乐器演奏的一种快节奏的流行音乐)Housemusicfirstappearedin the late 1980s.豪斯音乐最早出现于20世纪80年代晚期。
Pop, rock & soul
- agit-pop
- anti-rock
- backing dancer
- backing singer
- backspin
- disc jockey
- DJ
- drill
- drum and bass
- electronica
- emo
- jukebox
- lyrically
- mod
- Motown
- New Age music
- pop group
- sampler
- trap music
- trip-hop
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Types of music
housenoun(SCHOOL GROUP)
any of asmallnumberofgroupsthat thechildrenin aschoolare put in forsportsand other competitions:
(学校里为进行比赛而分成的)组an inter-househockeymatch校内小组之间的足球赛
Students & pupils
- -grader
- alumna
- alumnus
- attrition
- batch
- batchmate
- entrant
- graduate
- homeschooler
- houseman
- infant
- internship
- learner
- pupil
- school-leaver
- schoolboy
- schoolchild
- schoolgirl
- schoolmate
- theologian
家族;(尤指)皇室The BritishRoyalFamilybelongto the House of Windsor.英国王室属于温莎家族。
Royalty, aristocracy & titles
- accede tosomething
- accession
- anointed
- anti-monarchical
- anti-monarchist
- duke
- dukedom
- earl
- earldom
- emir
- Messrs
- miss
- mister
- monarch
- Royal Highness
- royal prerogative
- royalist
- Rt. Hon.
- Shah
anorganizationthat makeslaws, oritsmeetingplace
议会,议院the House
themembersof theorganizationthat makeslaws:
议员The Housebegandebatingtheproposalat 3 p.m.议员们于下午3点开始就提案进行辩论。
See also
the House of Commons
the House of Lords
the House of Representatives
thegroupofpeoplewhosuggestasubjectfor adebate:
辩论的发起方Themotionfor tonight'sdebateis, "This housebelievesthatcapitalpunishmentshould beabolished."今晚的辩题是“正方认为应该废除死刑”。
UK politics: legislation & law-making
- abolish
- abrogate
- abrogation
- amend
- amendment
- assemblyman
- constitutional
- enforce
- gold plate
- Green Paper
- guillotine
- hard Brexitidiom
- jurisprudence
- presiding officer
- Prime Minister's Questions
- private member's bill
- prohibit
- prohibition
- sanction
- writ
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Competitors & participants in sports & games
thepeoplewatchingaperformance,especiallyin atheatre:
观众,(尤指)剧院观众Theoperaplayedto afull/packedhouse.该歌剧演出时观众爆满。
an audience
- audienceThe audience went wild after every song she sang.
- viewerThe show attracts millions of viewers every week.
- listenerListeners tune in regularly for his cheery banter.
- crowdThose New Yorkers can be a tough crowd to please.
- houseIt's a full house tonight.
- spectatorThe spectators cheered when the balloon went up.
Theatre auditorium & front-of-house
- aisle
- auditorium
- balcony
- booking office
- box
- box office
- circle
- dress circle
- foyer
- front
- front-of-house
- full house
- god
- house lights
- mezzanine
- mosh pit
- orchestra
- out frontidiom
- pit
- stall
We use the noun house to refer to a building:…Idioms
get on like a house on fire
get/putyourown house in order
go (all) round the houses
house of cards
on the house
to give apersonoranimalaplacetolive, or toprovidespacefor something:
为…提供住处,收容;为…提供空间It will bedifficultto house all therefugees.收容所有的难民将会很困难。
Themuseumhouses thebiggestcollectionofantiquetoysinEurope.这家博物馆所收藏的古董玩具是全欧洲最多的。
to accommodate someone
- accommodateThere aren’t enough rooms to accommodate all the students.
- give accommodation toThe university gives free accommodation to nursing students.
- provide accommodation toWe only provide accommodation to first-year students.
- lodgeStudents will be lodged with host families.
- houseThe base can house up to 2,000 soldiers.
- put someone upI can put you up for a couple of nights.
- The world'sfinestcollectionofImpressionistpaintingsis housed in the Musée d'Orsay inParis.
- Militarybaseswereprotectedbycapturedenemysoldierswho were housed there as ahumanshield.
- Hostels are usuallyprovidedas astopgapuntil thefamiliescan be housed inpermanentaccommodation.
- Newarrivalswere being housed inrefugeecamps.
- Weaimto housestudentswithlocalfamilies.
Accommodating people
- accommodate
- billet
- board and lodging
- boarding and lodging
- camp
- deinstitutionalize
- full board
- institutionalize
- modified American plan
- non-residential
- noninstitutionalized
- placement
- quarter
- rehouse
- resettle
- resettlement
- room and board
- seat
- self-catering
- sleep