asituationin which someonepretendstobelievesomething that they do not reallybelieve, or that is theoppositeof what they do or say at anothertime:
虚伪,伪善There's onerulefor her and anotherrulefor everyoneelseand it'ssheerhypocrisy.对她是一种标准,而对所有其他人是另一种标准,这是彻头彻尾的虚伪。
paylip servicetosomething
- Herstrongestcriticismwasreservedfor theprimeministerwhom sheaccusedof 'nauseatinghypocrisy'.
- I'mamazedat the hypocrisy of the man -buyingaforeigncarafterurgingeveryoneelsetobuyBritishproducts.
- Inconstantlycriticizingothersfor beingintolerantwhilerefusingtohearanyone else'sview, they areguiltyofsupremehypocrisy.
- Hisbehaviourin thiswholeaffairdoesrathersavourof hypocrisy - he'scertainlynot withoutblamehimself.
- Why can'tpoliticiansjust behonestwith themselves andstopall this hypocrisy?
Lies, lying & hypocrisy
- a pack of liesidiom
- artifice
- bad faith
- black is whiteidiom
- cakeism
- canard
- falsehood
- falsification
- feedsomeonea lineidiom
- fib
- fiction
- lie
- myth
- mythologically
- mythologize
- perjure
- venality
- weasel words
- white lie
- whopper