adjective[after noun]
uk/pəˈsɒn.ɪ.faɪd/us/pɚˈsɑː.nə.faɪd/If you say that someone isevilpersonifiedorkindnesspersonified, youmeanthat they are aperfectexampleof thatquality:
She ischarmpersonified.
He is not just amurderousliarbutevilpersonified.
- He iskindnesspersonified andmoderatein hispolitics.
- Hetriesto make out he isintegritypersonified.
- She issweetnesspersonified.
- Ahead of thegame, thenationalcoachwascalmnesspersonified.
- Mybookeditorhas beenpatiencepersonified, but that won't lastforever.
Typifying, illustrating and exemplifying
- analogy
- archetypal
- archetypically
- besomeoneall overidiom
- betoken
- genre
- instantiate
- mirror
- Mr
- Mrs
- on-brand
- sum
- symbolic
- symbolize
- symptomatic
- tantamount
- territory
- textbook
- translate
- trust