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pickverb(CHOOSE)B1[T]to take some things andleaveothers: 挑选;选择 Pick acardfrom thepack.从这纸牌中挑出一张。 One of mysistershas been pickedfortheOlympicteam.我的一个姐姐入选了奥运代表队。 [+ obj + to infinitive]She was pickedtoplayfor theteam.她被选中代表该队参赛。 Thepoliceaskedhim if he could pick(out)thekillerfrom aseriesofphotos.警察问他能否从一组照片中认出凶手。 Thefairestway todecidethewinneris to pick anameout of ahat/atrandom(= withoutlookingorchoosing).决出优胜者最公平的办法是任意/随机选取一个名字。 They pickedtheirway(=carefullychosearoute)down thebrokensteps.他们小心翼翼地走下断裂的台阶。 He'sbrilliantat pickingwinners(=choosingwhat will besuccessful).他在判断谁能获胜方面很有眼力。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto choose or choose to do something - chooseThere are thirty-one flavours of ice cream to choose from.
- pickHe's been picked for the school football team.
- selectWe've selected three candidates.
- opt (for)Mike's opted for early retirement.
- decide (on)I've decided on blue walls for the bathroom.
- go forUKI think I'll go for the chocolate cake.
See more results » pick and chooseoftendisapproving to take some things but notothers: 挑挑拣拣;精挑细选Therichestuniversitiescan pick andchoosewhichstudentsthey take.最有钱的大学可以对生源精挑细选。 - I was never picked for theschoolfootballteam.
- Iaskedhim whichpastryhewantedand he picked analmondcroissant.
- I gave her achoiceof severaltoysand she picked adoll.
- Of all thegorgeousclothesin theshopshe picked a reallyplaingreysweater.
- Do youwanttohelpme pick somenumbersfor mylotteryticket.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTaking and choosing - adopt
- adopted
- adoption
- appoint
- bags I...idiom
- either-or
- elect
- empanel
- faute de mieux
- favoured
- go forsomeone
- picker
- plump
- select
- selection
- selective
- selectively
- selectivity
- selector
- skim
See more results » pickverb(REMOVE)B1[IorT]toremoveseparatethings orsmallpiecesfrom something,especiallywith thefingers: 从…上剔除,从…摘下 I picked apieceoffluffoffmyshinyblacksuit.我从闪闪发亮的黑色套装上拽掉一根绒毛。 Thechildcontinuedpicking(at)asoreon hisleg(=tryingtoremovepartsof it with hisfingers).那个孩子不停地抓挠他腿上的疮。 Hekeptpicking hisnose(=removingmucusfrom it with hisfinger).他在不停地掏鼻孔。 B1[T]When you pickflowersorfruit, you take them off aplantortree: (从植物或树上)采,摘 They were pickingstrawberriesfor twelvehoursaday.他们每天摘12小时的草莓。 I picked somerosesthismorning.今天早上我摘了一些玫瑰。 Machines pick thefruit(from/offthetrees).机器把果子(从树上)摘下来。 [T]toremovemeatfrom thebonesof abirdoranimal: In thekitchenMaya waslaboriouslypickingchickens. Istorethemeat, andthrowthe pickedcarcass,skin, etc. into thepotwithwaterand somevegetables. [+ obj + adj]Thecarcasshad been pickedclean(= all thefleshhad beenremoved)by otheranimalsandbirds.动物尸体上的肉已被别的动物和鸟吃得干干净净。 - You ought to pick thoselettucesbefore theyshrivelanddie.
- Itendtoleavethewindfallsfor thebirdsto pick at.
- Hethoughtwe'd been picking hisapplesand came after us with astick.
- Shesattheresulkingand picking thepillsoff hersweater.
- Thefruitis picked andartificiallyripenedbeforeshipping.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRemoving and getting rid of things - abandonment
- banish
- be scattered to the four windsidiom
- bin
- castsomeone/somethingaside/away/off
- dumping
- eradication
- erase
- erasure
- evacuate
- evacuation
- exorcism
- fling
- scrape
- shoo
- shrug
- shrugsomethingoff
- shuck
- shucksomethingoff
- sling
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Gardening - general words Removing and extracting Preparing food pickverb(PLAY INSTRUMENT)[T]When you pick astringon aguitarorsimilarinstrument, youpullitquicklyandreleaseitsuddenlywithyourfingerstoproduceanote. 弹拨,弹奏(吉他等弦乐器) SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPlaying music - accompaniment
- accompany
- air guitar
- beatsomethingout
- beatbox
- blow
- conduct
- intonation
- picksomeone/somethingout
- play (something) by earidiom
- playability
- playable
- pluck
- pump
- roof
- tap
- transposition
- ultra-smooth
- vibe
- wah-wah
See more results » GrammarFixed expressions withand We often use and in common fixed expressions. The order of the words cannot change: peace and quiet, pick and choose, come and go, knife and fork, black and white.… Pickorpick up? Pick means ‘remove small pieces of something from something else, usually with your hands’:… Idiomspicksomeone'sbrains picksomeone'spocket pickyourselfup off the floor pick a fight/quarrel/argument pick holes insomething pick 'n' mix Phrasal verbspick atsomething picksomeone/somethingoff pick onsomeone picksomeone/somethingout picksomethingout pick oversomething pick throughsomething picksomeone/somethingup picksomethingup pick(something)up picksomeoneup pick up picksomeoneup onsomething pick up onsomething picknoun(CHOICE)You can have first pick of thedesserts.你可以头一个挑选甜点。 have your pick to have alargechoiceavailable: 可以挑选;任意挑选Theplanewasfairlyemptyso we hadourpickofseats.飞机很空,所以我们可以自由选择座位。 take your pick tochoosethe one(s) youwantfrom the differenttypesavailable: 挑选,选择Theshirtscome in five differentcolours- just takeyourpick.这种衬衣有5种不同的颜色——你随便挑吧。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTaking and choosing - adopt
- adopted
- adoption
- appoint
- bags I...idiom
- either-or
- elect
- empanel
- faute de mieux
- favoured
- go forsomeone
- picker
- plump
- select
- selection
- selective
- selectively
- selectivity
- selector
- skim
See more results » picknoun(TOOL)[C]apickaxe: 镐;鹤嘴锄(同 pickaxe)  merlinpf/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages [C]especiallyincombinations, asharppointedtool: 牙签 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTools - -pronged
- adjustable spanner
- adze
- Allen key
- auger
- awl
- excavator
- gimlet
- gouge
- grapnel
- grappling iron
- grindstone
- guillotine
- plunger
- rasp
- razor knife
- reamer
- sander
- sandpaper
- trowel
See more results » picknoun(IN MUSIC)[C]asmall,thinpieceofplastic,metal, etc. that isheldbetween thefingersandthumband used forplayinginstrumentssuch as theguitar (弹弦乐器用的)拨子,琴拨  Matthew Bosco/EyeEm/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMusical instruments - accordion
- acoustically
- aerophone
- alphorn
- alto
- drum kit
- drum machine
- drumbeat
- drumroll
- drumstick
- panpipes
- pedal steel
- penny whistle
- percussion
- percussionist
- tuning peg
- ukulele
- unpitched
- unplugged
- untuned
See more results » (Definition ofpickfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)pickverb(CHOOSE)B1[T]to take some things andleaveothers 挑选;选择Pick acardfrom thepack.从这纸牌中挑出一张。 One of mysistershas been pickedfortheOlympicteam.我的一个姐姐入选了奥运代表队。 [+ obj + to infinitive]She was pickedtoplayfor theteam.她被选中代表该队参赛。 Thepoliceaskedhim if he could pick(out)thekillerfrom aseriesofphotos.警察问他能否从一组照片中认出凶手。 Thefairestway todecidethewinneris to pick anameout of ahat/atrandom(= withoutlookingorchoosing).决出优胜者最公平的办法是任意/随机选取一个名字。 They pickedtheirway(=carefullychosearoute)down thebrokensteps.他们小心翼翼地走下断裂的台阶。 He'sbrilliantat pickingwinners(=choosingwhat will besuccessful).他在判断谁能获胜方面很有眼力。 pick and chooseoftendisapproving to take some things but notothers 挑挑拣拣;精挑细选Therichestuniversitiescan pick andchoosewhichstudentsthey take.最有钱的大学可以对生源精挑细选。 - I was never picked for theschoolfootballteam.
- Iaskedhim whichpastryhewantedand he picked analmondcroissant.
- I gave her achoiceof severaltoysand she picked adoll.
- Of all thegorgeousclothesin theshopshe picked a reallyplaingreysweater.
- Do youwanttohelpme pick somenumbersfor mylotteryticket.
pickverb(REMOVE)B1[IorT]toremoveseparatethings orsmallpiecesfrom something,especiallywith thefingers 从…上剔除,从…摘下I picked apieceoffluffoffmyshinyblacksuit.我从闪闪发亮的黑色套装上拽掉一根绒毛。 Thechildcontinuedpicking(at)asoreon hisleg(=tryingtoremovepartsof it with hisfingers).那个孩子不停地抓挠他腿上的疮。 [+ obj + adj]Thecarcasshad been pickedclean(= all thefleshhad beenremoved)by otheranimalsandbirds.动物尸体上的肉已被别的动物和鸟吃得干干净净。 disapprovingHekeptpicking hisnose(=removingmucusfrom it with hisfinger).他在不停地掏鼻孔。 B1[T]When you pickflowersorfruit, you take them off aplantortree. (从植物或树上)采,摘They were pickingstrawberriesfor twelvehoursaday.他们每天摘12小时的草莓。 I picked somerosesthismorning.今天早上我摘了一些玫瑰。 Machines pick thefruit(from/offthetrees).机器把果子(从树上)摘下来。 - You ought to pick thoselettucesbefore theyshrivelanddie.
- Itendtoleavethewindfallsfor thebirdsto pick at.
- Hethoughtwe'd been picking hisapplesand came after us with astick.
- Shesattheresulkingand picking thepillsoff hersweater.
- Thefruitis picked andartificiallyripenedbeforeshipping.
pickverb(PLAY INSTRUMENT)[T]When you pick astringon aguitarorsimilarinstrument, youpullitquicklyandreleaseitsuddenlywithyourfingerstoproduceanote. 弹拨,弹奏(吉他等弦乐器) GrammarFixed expressions withand We often use and in common fixed expressions. The order of the words cannot change: peace and quiet, pick and choose, come and go, knife and fork, black and white.… Pickorpick up? Pick means ‘remove small pieces of something from something else, usually with your hands’:… Idiomspicksb'sbrains picksb'spocket pickyourselfup off the floor pick a fight/quarrel/argument pick holes insth pick 'n' mix Phrasal verbspick atsth picksb/sthoff pick onsb picksb/sthout picksthout pick oversth pick throughsth picksb/sthup picksthup pick(sth)up picksbup pick up picksbup onsth pick up onsth picknoun(CHOICE)挑选;选择You can have first pick of thedesserts.你可以头一个挑选甜点。 have your pick to have alargechoiceavailable 可以挑选;任意挑选Theplanewasfairlyemptyso we hadourpickofseats.飞机很空,所以我们可以自由选择座位。 take your pick tochoosethe one(s) youwantfrom the differenttypesavailable 挑选,选择Theshirtscome in five differentcolours- just takeyourpick.这种衬衣有5种不同的颜色——你随便挑吧。 picknoun(TOOL)镐;鹤嘴锄(同 pickaxe)picks andshovels镐和铲 [C]especiallyincombinations, asharppointedtool picknoun(IN MUSIC)[C]asmall,thinpieceofplastic,metal, etc. that isheld between thefingersandthumband usedforplayinginstrumentssuch as theguitar pick| American Dictionarypickverb[T](CHOOSE)to take some things andleaveothers: She’s been picked for theOlympicteam. WefinallypickedFebruary14 as thedateforourwedding. pickverb[T](REMOVE)toremoveormovesomething withyourfingersorhands: I picked apieceoflintoff mysuit. We pickedapplesyesterday. Idiomspick a fight pick and choose picksomeone’sbrain picksomeone’spocket pick up steam pick up the tab (forsomething) pickyourwaysomewhere the pick ofsomething Phrasal verbspick atsomething pick offsomeone/something pick onsomeone pick outsomething/someone pick oversomething pick throughsomething pick up pick upsomething/someone pick upsomeone/something pick upsomething pick upsomeone pick up(something) pick up onsomething pick up onsomething picknoun(MUSIC TOOL)[C]athinpieceofplasticormetalused topullat thestringsof aguitar picknoun(DIGGING TOOL)[C]apickax, or asharp,pointedtool: Theyworkedwith a pick andshovel. picknoun(THING TO CHOOSE)[C/U]achoice, or something that ischosen: [U]Mickgets first pick of where tosit. [C]Here are my picks for the tenbestrestaurants. (Definition ofpickfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)COMMERCEtochooseitemsthat have beenorderedby acustomer: He pickedgoodsintopalletsfor thedelivery. Yourgrocerieswill becarefullypicked,packed, anddeliveredtoyourdoor. FINANCE,STOCK MARKETtochooseparticularsharesin which toinvest: If you pickstocksthoughtfullyandholdthempatiently,yourgainsshould beconsiderable. PRODUCTIONtoremovefruit,cotton, etc. from atreeorplantwhen it isready: Immigrants do much of themeniallaborintown, pickingfruit,cleaninghotelrooms, andsweepingthesidewalk. FINANCE,STOCK MARKETparticularsharesthat youchoosetoinvestin: Hisstockpicksrose112% lastyear. What's hissecret? (Definition ofpickfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofpickpick Informationpick-up from the global array is not sufficient without adequate exploratory movements and learning to support perceptually guided activity.From theCambridge English Corpus This form of ' differentiation ' would not be picked up using the usual sources of social history such as assessments of wealth or occupation.From theCambridge English Corpus Barely able to talk, she phones the preschool to tell them she will soonpickup her child.From theCambridge English Corpus For instance, how could she possibly decide which of two visual objects topickup when she cannot identify the objects?From theCambridge English Corpus Two additional slide sensors are positioned on the body (figure 2), enacted by the picking hand to shape the playback of live and recorded sounds.From theCambridge English Corpus The target is picked up by the mechanical micromanipulator with the pipette quite easily.From theCambridge English Corpus That swarms of mosquitos (like other insects) are thus picked up, presumably by ascending air-currents, and deposited a long way off is extremely probable.From theCambridge English Corpus More recent incongruity theorists have begun topickup on the sociological importance of this kind of deviation from expectation.From theCambridge English Corpus If a solution exists it can be found immediately by picking the ' 'right' ' assignment at each stage.From theCambridge English Corpus The mistaken assumption was that the concepts of religion and politics can only be intelligible if theypickout some real essence.From theCambridge English Corpus We have extended this heuristic so that the nodes that are already without a route are picked first (when they exist).From theCambridge English Corpus In reality, they might of course alsopickup cues from opinion leaders or the media in order to form their regime preference.From theCambridge English Corpus It is harder topickout experts in moral and political matters than it is in medical or musical matters.From theCambridge English Corpus Consider, for example, the fact that we are all obliged to refrain from picking our respective noses in public places.From theCambridge English Corpus Morality picks up what the epistemology leaves off.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/pick## |