themanagementof ahomeand theworkthatneedsto be done in it, such ascleaning:
家务管理She had arelaxedattitudeto housekeeping.她对家务管理的态度很放松。
thedepartmentof ahotelthat isresponsibleforcleaningguest'sbedrooms:
(宾馆)总务部门the Ritz-Carlton'sheadof housekeeping丽兹—卡尔顿旅馆的总务主管
Cleaning & tidying places & things
- adjust
- airing
- bed
- clean(someone/something)up
- cleansomethingout
- dusting
- freshen
- freshen(someone/something)up
- going-over
- Hoover
- hooversomethingup
- muck
- sandblast
- smarten(someone/something)up
- spiffsomeone/somethingup
- spit and polishidiom
- spring-clean
- spruce
- tidy
- valet
(alsohousekeeping money)
themoneyused forbuyingfoodand other thingsnecessaryforlivingin ahouse:
家务开支,家用钱Mygrandfatherused to give mygrandmotherhousekeeping eachweek.我祖父过去每星期都给我祖母家用钱。
- accountancy
- accountant
- accounting
- accounts
- annualized
- arrears
- auditor
- balance
- balance sheet
- bill
- budget
- capital
- creative accounting
- double entry bookkeeping
- false accounting
- forensic accountant
- forensic accounting
- loss
- unaudited
- writesomethingdown
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Grants & allowances
housekeepingnoun[U](USUAL TASKS)
used to refer totasksthat need to be done as aregularpartofyourworkbut are not themainpurposeofyourwork:
(工作的一部分,但不是主要部分的)杂务活Theteachers'meetingdealsmostlywith housekeepingissuessuch aslunchtimesupervisionduties.教师会议讨论的主要是一些杂务,例如午餐监督职责等。
Work, working and the workplace
- act assomething
- all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)idiom
- assignment
- bandh
- be at workidiom
- grind
- hoop
- hot-desking
- hotelling
- in the line of dutyidiom
- induction
- industry
- job
- moonlight
- slave
- slog
- slouch
- spadework
- subtask
- sweat