uk/ˈhɒv.ər/us/ˈhʌ.vɚ/[Iusually+ adv/prep]
tostayin oneplacein theair, usually bymovingthewingsquickly:
盘旋,翱翔Ahawkhovered in thesky,waitingtoswoopdown onitsprey.一只老鹰在天空中盘旋,要伺机俯冲捕捉猎物。
Iheardthenoiseof ahelicopterhoveringoverhead.我听到头顶上直升飞机盘旋的声音。
[Iusually+ adv/prep]
tostandsomewhere,especiallynear anotherperson,eagerlyornervouslywaitingfortheirattention:
徘徊,守候Awaiterhovered at thetable,readyto takeourorder.一名侍者守在桌子旁,等着我们点菜。
I couldsensehim behind me, hovering andbuildingup thecouragetoaskme aquestion.我能感觉到他在我身后犹豫徘徊,想鼓起勇气问我一个问题。
[I+ prep]
tostayat or near aparticularlevel:
(在某一水平附近)徘徊Inflation is hoveringatthreepercent.通货膨胀率在3%左右徘徊。
[I+ adv/prep,T]
to put thecursoron acomputerscreenin aparticularplacewithoutclickingon it:
把光标放在电脑屏幕上的某个位置Thelinkchangestogreenwhen themousehoversoverit.当光标放在链接文字上时,文字会变成绿色。
If you hover themousepointerover theentry, thefullwebaddresswill bedisplayed.当你把光标放在这条记录上时,整个网站地址就会显示出来。
Movement through the air
- airborne
- buoyantly
- buzz
- flight
- flit
- float
- fly
- glide
- levitate
- levitation
- loop
- mid-air
- non-flying
- soar
- somersault
- swishy
- swoop
- track
- waft
- wing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Animal (non-human) behaviour
Zoology: ornithology & bird-watching
Keeping and staying the same
Operating computers