in what way, or by whatmethods:
如何,怎么How do we get to thetownfrom here?我们从这儿怎么去城里?
How did youhearabout theconcert?你是怎么知道这场音乐会的?
How does thismachinework?这台机器如何运转?
How do youplantospendyourholiday?你计划怎样度过你的假期?
Roz doesn'tknowhowtorideabicycle.罗兹不会骑自行车。
It alldependson how youlookat it.那完全取决于你如何看待它。
I don'tcareaboutfashion, Idresshow Iplease.我不太在乎时尚,衣服我爱怎么穿就怎么穿。
I washorrifiedtohearabout how(= the way)she had beentreated.听到她受到如此的对待,我感到十分惊骇。
Howcan/couldhe be sostupid?他怎么会那么蠢?
I don'tknowhow anyonecouldthinkthat way.我不知道怎么会有人那么想。
used toaskabout someone'sphysicaloremotionalstate:
(尤指身体或精神状况)怎么样How isyourmother?你母亲身体怎么样?
How are youfeelingthismorning?今天早上你觉得怎么样?
used inquestionsthataskwhat anexperienceoreventwas like:
(用于询问经历或事情)怎么样How wasyourflight?你的空中旅途怎么样?
How did youfindthelecture?(= did youthinkit was good)?你觉得那场演讲怎么样?
Howdidyouliketheconcert(= did youenjoyit)?你觉得这场音乐会怎么样?
She didn't say howfarit is(= what thedistanceis)to herhouse.她没说离她家有多远。
Howlongare you going to be(= whatamountoftimeare you going tospend)in thebathroom?你打算在浴室里呆多久?
Do youknowhowmany(= whatnumberof)peopleare coming?你知道有多少人要来吗?
Howmuchdoes thiscost(= what isitsprice)?这个多少钱?
Howoldis hisdaughter(= whatageis she)?他女儿多大了?
"Can youliftthiscase?" "Itdependson howheavyit is."“你能提起这个箱子吗?”“那要看它有多重。”
Do yourememberhow(= thefactthat)we used toseeevery newfilmassoonas it came out?你还记得我们过去一有新电影上映就马上去看吗?
used foremphasis:
(用于强调)I can'ttellyou howpleasedI am(= I am verypleased)that you came.你来了,我真是说不出的高兴。
How(= it is very)nicetoseeyou!见到你真高兴!
"Shepaidfor everything." "How(= that was very)generous."“她把所有的账都付了。”“她可真大方。”
how strange, stupid, weird, etc. is that?C2informal
used toemphasizethat something isstrange,stupid, etc.
(用于强调)那可真奇怪/愚蠢/古怪(等等)how are you?
used toasksomeone if they are well andhappy:
(用于打招呼)你好吗?"Hi, Lucy, how are you?" "Fine,thanks, how are you?"“嗨,露西,你好吗?”“挺好的,多谢,你呢?”
how are things?informal(alsohow's everything?);(alsohow's it going?)
used asgreetings
(用于问候)最近好吗?how do you mean?
used when youwantsomeone toexplainwhat they have just said:
(要求某人解释刚说的话)你是什么意思?"Ithinkwe need toreconsiderourposition." "How do youmean?"“我认为我们应该重新考虑一下我们的立场。”“你是什么意思?”
how's that?
used whenaskingif something you have done for someone issatisfactory:
(用于为某人做某事之后询问效果)满意吗?怎么样?Let me put acushionbehindyourback. How's that?让我给你背后加一个垫子。舒服吗?
and how!informal
used to show that youfeelthe same way as someone:
我也是!没错!"I'll be sogladwhen thisprojectisfinished." "And how!"“这个项目完成了我会很高兴。”“我也是!”
- Yourhouseis always soneat- how do youmanageit with threechildren?
- She used tolieawakeatnightworryingabout how topaythebills.
- "Well, " hebegan, "I don'tquiteknowhow totellyou this."
- Notes on how to use thisdictionarycan befoundat thebeginningof thebook.
- We do notknowexactlyhowlifefirstbegan.
Linguistics: question words & expressions
- amirite
- devil
- extent
- how about...?idiom
- how, what, why, etc. on earth...idiom
- in God's/heaven's nameidiom
- question tag
- trick
- what the blazes...?idiom
- what's that (all) about (then)?idiom
- what's the score?idiom
- what/where/how/why the devilidiom
- when
- whenever
- where
- wherefore
- which
- why
- why don't you...?idiom
- world
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Linguistics: very & extreme
Strange, suspicious and unnatural
Linguistics: interjections
Welcoming, greeting & greetings
Meaning & significance
Polite expressions
Suitable and acceptable
Words & phrases expressing agreement & acceptance
We use exclamations to express surprise or shock or a strong emotion about something. The type of phrase or clause associated with exclamations is called exclamative.…What…!
We can use what + noun phrase ((+ verb) (+ tag)):…How…!
We often use how followed by an adjective only:…Exclamatives with interrogative form
We sometimes make an exclamation using interrogative (question) word order:…How
The adverb how most commonly means ‘in what way’ or ‘to what extent’.…How is …?orWhat is … like?
We use How is …? to ask about someone’s general health or about the condition or state of something, or how people experience something:…However,whatever,whichever,whenever,wherever,whoever
If we add -ever to wh-words like how, what, which, when, where and who, we change their meaning.…Idioms
how about...?
how about that?
how come?
how do you do?
how do you do
how's you?