Hydrophobicsubstancescannot bemixedwith ordissolvedinwater:
(物质)疏水的Researchersmodifiedtheparticles'surfacesso that onesidewaswaterrepelling, or hydrophobic, and the other waswaterattracting, or hydrophilic.
Hydrophobicclothingis made of amaterialthat does notallowwatertoenterit:
Waterrollsoff the hydrophobicT-shirtso it isn'tevenwetafterwards.
Thecoatingis hydrophobic, whichstopstheketchupsticking.
- Lipids aremoleculeswith a hydrophobictailand a hydrophilichead.
- Anormallysolid, hydrophobicmaterialsuch aswaxcan bemeltedand adrugincorporatedinto it.
- Polyester, polyacrylnitryl andothersare hydrophobicsyntheticfibres.
- Hydrophobicclothingis much more stain-resistant.
- After severalwashesthegarmentbecomesless hydrophobic.
- If I were tocontractrabiesI wouldsufferanagonising, hydrophobicdeath.
Textiles: describing words
- billowy
- bonded
- breathable
- brushed
- clingy
- diaphanous
- fleecy
- floaty
- fluted
- gauzy
- handknit
- mothproof
- quilting
- ruched
- shag
- showerproof
- waterproof
- weatherproof
- woollen
- woolly
sufferingfromhydrophobia(= agreatfearofdrinkingandwater, often asignofrabies):
Thepatientwas hydrophobic.
Fear & phobias
- acrophobia
- aerophobia
- agoraphobia
- agoraphobic
- aquaphobia
- arachnophobia
- bogie
- catastrophize
- chill
- claustrophobia
- dread
- homophobia
- homophobic
- hydrophobia
- Islamophobia
- misophonia
- mortal
- mysophobia
- scare
- willie