pick onsomeone
phrasal verbwithpickverbuk/pɪk/us/pɪk/
tocriticize,punish, or beunkindto the samepersonoften andunfairly:
He getspickedon by the otherboysbecause he's sosmall.
- Why are youpickingon me?
- Stoppickingon me!
- Shefeltshe was beingpickedon.
- Atschoolshe was avulnerablelittlesouland the othergirlspickedon her.
- Ihopehe didn'tthinkI waspickingon him.
Treating people or animals badly
- a raw dealidiom
- abuser
- anti-harassment
- at the hands ofsomeoneidiom
- batten
- batten onsomeone
- ill-treat
- ill-treatment
- ill-used
- impose
- inflict
- prey
- prey onsomething
- putsomeonethroughsomething
- put upon
- tyrannize
- tyranny
- uncared for
- use
- victimization