theactofpickingsomeone or something up, or theplacewhere ithappens:
接(某人);取(某物);搭车地点The pickuppointfor thelong-distancecoachesis now in the newbusstation.长途汽车的搭乘点现在设在新汽车站。
apersonwho ispickedup:
搭车者Thetaxidriversaid I was the first pickup that he'd had allevening.出租车司机说整个晚上我是他的第一个乘客。
Transferring and transporting objects
- bear
- bearer
- bike
- bike rack
- bore
- borne
- bring
- budge
- bus
- call forsomeone
- convey
- haul
- post-delivery
- putsomething/someonedown
- redeliver
- redelivery
- retransfer
- transplant
- transport
- transportation
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Travellers & visitors
adeviceon anelectricalmusicalinstrumentor arecordplayerthatcausessoundsto beproducedor madelouder
(电子乐器或电唱机的)电唱头,拾音器Audio & video equipment
- 78
- analogue
- audiocassette
- audiotape
- body cam
- box set
- compact disc
- hi-fi
- jukebox
- low-fi
- MD
- video monitor
- video technology
- videocassette
- videocassette recorder
- Walkman
- wire
- woofer
增加;提高;改进There's been a pickup in thevalueof thestock.股价持续上涨。
an increase
- increaseThere has been an sharp increase in municipal taxes this year.
- riseLast month saw a rise in the rate of inflation.
- gainWe are not seeing the gains in productivity that we expected.
- boostWe are hoping for a boost in sales this year.
have good/bad pickupUS
(of acar) to beable/unabletoincreasespeedquickly
加速性能好/差Becoming better
- alive
- bloom
- blossom
- bounce
- by/in leaps and boundsidiom
- come aliveidiom
- come along
- consolidate
- heal
- mendyourwaysidiom
- move on to bigger/better thingsidiom
- on the up (and up)idiom
- perk
- perk(someone)up
- rally
- sharpen(something)up
- sharpen up your actidiom
- straighten
- straighten up
- turn around
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The engine & engine parts
apickup truck
(同pickup truck)
Vladimiroquai/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Trucks, vans & caravans
- a fifth/third wheelidiom
- armoured car
- bakkie
- bin lorry
- bowser
- breakdown truck
- caravan
- dumper
- dustcart
- float
- horse trailer
- lorry
- milk truck
- tender
- tractor-trailer
- utility truck
- utility vehicle
- Winnebago
adjective[only before noun]
USinformaluk/ˈpɪk.ʌp/us/ˈpɪk.ʌp/A pickupgameis one that has not beenofficiallyorganized:
(体育比赛)未经官方组织的Thebasketballcourtsbustledwith pickupgames.临时拼凑起来的多场比赛在篮球场上热闹地进行着。
Sports & games generally
- battleship
- board sport
- buildering
- choose
- choose up sb/sth
- classic
- contact sport
- cross-country
- defensive
- defensively
- game
- high jinks
- multi-sport
- parasport
- parkour
- pre-game
- pre-match
- snooker
- sport
- the first person