(alsore-shoot)uk/ˌriːˈʃuːt/uspresent participlereshooting|past tensereshot|past participlereshottorecordpartof afilmagain, usually in a different way:
The TVchannelhad to reshootpartsof theproductionafterreceivinghundreds ofcomplaintsfromviewers.
You won'treachyourmarketbysimplyre-shooting the English-languagecommercialsinSpanish.
- They had to reshootscenesofRomansoldiersmarchingbecause the chink-chinksoundof thearmourcouldn't beheard.
- The film'screatorshad to reshootnearlyhalfof thefilm,accordingtopublishedrumours.
- It has beenreportedthat thebrotherswerebroughtin to reshoot some of theactionsequences.
Cinema - general words
- 12A
- animation
- animator
- audio described
- audio description
- fade
- filmic
- filming
- filmstrip
- flick
- footage
- franchise
- projection
- Rambo
- reel
- remake
- rerelease
- rescreen
- reshow
- sting
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cinema & theatre: production, direction & recording
(alsore-shoot)uk/ˈriː.ʃuːt/usanoccasionwhenpartof afilmisrecordedagain in a different way:
Failure tonoticeanimperfectioncouldmeananexpensivere-shootlater.
Theactorsaid she would onlyshaveherheadagain for re-shoots if she got abonuspayment.
- We're doing some reshoots toaddmorefightscenes.
- Thenewsreportstold of aproductioninvolvingdelaysand reshoots.
- The film'seditorseliminatethe need forexpensivereshoots by using after-effectsoftwaretochangelightingandbackground.
Cinema & theatre: production, direction & recording
- acquire
- acquisition
- armourer
- auteur
- canister
- computer-animated
- filmmaker
- filmmaking
- fog machine
- green screen
- helmer
- linear
- picturize
- produce
- recut
- restage
- run throughsomething
- screen test
- setting
- special effect
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cinema - general words