uk/ˌɪn.kəʊˈhɪə.rəns/us/ˌɪn.koʊˈhɪr.əns/thefactofexpressingyourself in a way that is notclear:
说话无条理;表达不清楚Sheovercamehershynessandawkwardincoherence as she gotolder.随着年龄的增长,她克服了害羞和尴尬的语无伦次。
The incoherence of hisresponseleftreporterswonderingwhat he could havemeant.他的回应前后不一,让记者费力猜测他到底是什么意思。
thestateof beingexpressedin a way that is notclear,especiallywithideasor words that are notconnectedin asensibleorclearway:
(思路或语义)无条理,不连贯,不清楚The incoherence of thecriticismmakes ithardertorespond.缺乏条理的批评使回应变得更加困难。
There is aconfusingincoherence to the nation’sforeignpolicy.该国的外交政策存在令人困惑的不连贯性。
- Hefellinto a semi-consciousness and incoherence.
- Thepiecewas solongthat fewpeoplelistenedcloselyornoticeditsincoherence.
- Thecampaignhad beenmarkedbyhesitationand incoherence.
Difficult to understand
- abstruse
- ambiguity
- ambiguous
- ambiguously
- antinomy
- esoteric
- fathomless
- garble
- get it into your thick headidiom
- impalpable
- impenetrable
- indiscernible
- lost
- non-intuitive
- obscurely
- obscurity
- oracular
- prolix
- wasted onsomeoneidiom
- word salad