used for saying that afactyou aretalkingabout isimportant:
If weservedmoresoftdrinks, there would be fewerhangoversand,moreimportantly, fewerdrink-drivingincidents.
Dave is still veryshy. Importantly, though, he canstandup for himself when heneedsto.
- The newcomputerfacilitieswill be ahugebenefitto theschooland also, importantly, to thewholevillagecommunity.
- I go to myexerciseclassfor thefunandsocialsideof it and, most importantly Isuppose, for myhealth.
- You mustwearyourseatbeltbecause it's thelaw, but most importantly because it couldsaveyourlife.
- He's asensibleandreliableteamplayerbut, more importantly, he usuallyseemstoscorevitalmatch-winninggoals.
Very important or urgent
- all-important
- at all cost(s)idiom
- be a matter of life and/or deathidiom
- chief
- clutch
- co-principal
- life-changing
- mainly
- major league
- make the world go around/roundidiom
- marmoreal
- meaningful
- pressing
- prominent
- radical
- revalorization
- revalorize
- sacred
- salient
- subtle